We are banning the lowest win rate hero. Why?

Au contraire, my friend. The Taka players are T8-T9 and are terrible, regardless of the patch. Right now I’m playing with a Taka who has MJ, Aegis and SSw only.

If I am captain and have taka in my team, I will counter scout cam hard to let him know where the enemy has vision, i.e. will make sure my team wins the vision game + the entire team should do that. Vision is super important not only if you play against taka, but also if he is in your team.

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Honestly, if we complained about other things as much as nerfing innocent heroes cough celeste . . . they’d probably fixed the lag by now. . .

Who says they don’t listen to us? . . . they do.

. . . when we’re wrong .


Agree, rarely see a good taka (and also super rare to not be banned or someone dodge in the 1 from 20 games where he is not banned). Right now WP taka is nerfed hard, the sustain laner build too, but CP jungle can be really dangerous in a good hands and team.

The Taka I just played with. AFKed midgame after diving in 1v5 multiple times.

Jeez. He’s that bad now holy hell.

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I’m not SEA but I’ve seen SEA players complain about lag for at least 2 years and until this day. Yet there still is a problem. I don’t think complaining is gonna have effect on that.

I couldn’t agree more. But I find that most either don’t use their cameras or place the all together; usually four five cameras at mid. As a support I can’t fill all the blanks, or drop cameras every team fight; even with the maxed vision item. Lol… Oh well…

But when a team works together with vision, Flicker, Kestrel and Taka all on the same team can keep up; Ha… A thing of beauty!


lol i know. . . i’m just doing some wishful thinking. . . my main point is stop complaining lol

We all wish to have wishful thoughts but Idl if we can have that anymore.

I wasn’t complaining if you read it again. But what I said is true. He deals nothing. Tell me someone who has less damage. And he offers nothing besides damage.

Because people hate playing against taka.

In higher tiers nobody bans taka though…

Me neither though I’m mid-tier. I just wanna ban Celeste and someone else but the team forced me to ban Taka

Lol forced you… Don’t listen…

99% one way ticket to LPQ after that.

I once banned malene because we were B side and didn’t want the enemies to pick her. A three man party was playing with me, let’s call them A, B and C:

A: don’t ban melene
Alhunt has banned Malene
B: I play malene
C: lol go kill yourself
A: play mlbb f***kdog (whatever the hell that is)

Obviously I dodged. #JustSeaThings


Hell i have banned celeste because no one was talking

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Mid tier? Since when? Thought you were tier 5/6?

T6s (all 3 sub tiers) in summer 2017), T7G in patches 2.12-3.0, T6S currently.

I’m gonna play Taka tonight for fun if I win you can check vgpro, if I lose you can check vgpro. Taka is just one of my bait bans low win rate or not, I just ban smth or nothing.