VGforums COD Week #6 Feb. 17 - 23 2019

Good morning. Here is today’s challenge:

Monday, February 18th 2019

Win a ranked 3v3 game in 15:00 or less. This will require good teamwork, perhaps a more early game comp, and a focus on capturing the gold miner and kraken early!


Done with @VaKTaBi, me as Lance, him as Kensei. Trying to recover from decaying.


Yay! You’re going to be in the standings tomorrow. Woot-woot!

And @VaKTaBi :wink:
Enjoying a lot the new Kensei. Also, people are picking Lance, my one trick :frowning:

Kensei and Lance OTP



I’m noticing Lance is being banned more too, in 3v3.

I’m right behind ya, @Guest_78

What’s your elos @Guest_78 and @VaKTaBi ? Always happy to help folks rank back up with less toxic teammates for then to worry about!

Right now we are in POA silver in our main account due to decaying, but our MMR is from VG, which is where we started decaying from.

Now can I get the achievement?

I can’t show the time because my screen is too small, but is the same match that Guest posted, so you can see the time there :smiley:


Yes! Congratulations! If you and @Guest_78 want to rank at all today, let me know. I’m VG bronze. I know there’s “risk” for me if we lose, but I like playing with new people and it’s likely I could learn a lot playing with experienced players. I’m also not overly protective of my elo. I like to win. I want to win. I’m just not super sweaty about elo and I always hated when folks on my f list would get higher elos than me (but well within acceptable range to party queue), I’d ask to play with them, and they’d say “your elo is too low”… Oh, so now you’re too good for me? Lol

Updating the standings now!

Good morning. Here is today’s challenge:

Tuesday, February 19th 2019

Resist the talents!
If your Blitz rank is 0-1499 starting the day, win 4 blitz matches selecting no talent
If your Blitz rank is 1500-1999… win 3 blitz matches selecting no talent
If your Blitz rank is 2000+… win 2 blitz matches selecting no talent

Why the difference? While there can certainly be large gaps and skill and the MM isn’t always great it blitz, in general, the lower your rank, again in general, the lower level talents or quality of play you’re seeing. My assumption is most of us here on these forums enjoy this game, play it with some frequency, and are good at it. Perhaps you don’t play blitz much and your rank has decayed. You’d likely be a far more superior skilled player. Any ways, winning one blitz match takes no time at all, and overall I felt it would be significantly harder to win the same number of blitz matches without talents at higher ranks. Sorry if you disagree, but at least in this category, I’m the boss. :sunglasses:

Our opponents tend to be VG bronce and silver so it wouldn’t be different. Decay doesn’t affect the MM, only the VST.

But you are from NA :frowning:

[Mod edit: placed images in carousel]

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You’re so incognito that I’m not sure if it’s you :face_with_monocle: - ha! Good job and good to see you back in the COD action!

Ah darn! I’m guessing you’re EU? This will lead to me posting another thread… One sec!

Easy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Idk why left arm is invisible

[Mod edit: fixed your little dude]
[SeRAPHiM: Thx]

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Idk why left arm is invisible

It’s because Discourse allows Markdown in the composer, and backslashes are special characters in Markdown. To make them show up, you have to “escape” them with a second backslash. Also, to get the paired underlines to show up, you have to escape THEM also. :sunglasses:

Additional info for nerds like me

The Markdown engine Discourse uses is markdown-it, which implements the CommonMark spec.

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Got it, thanks! :thumbs3:


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Now we’re tied up for 1st place, @SeRAPHiM1 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Idk when this happened but u’re at first place rn. O.O



You both best watch out, I’m coming for that spot