Sunday, February 17th 2019
Brawl Bonanza! Win a game of blitz, ARAM, and Rumble! You must have 6 or fewer deaths total from your 3 victories.
.5 bonus points for winning a game with a VGF member.
.5 bonus points for winning your Rumble with 0 deaths.
Have some free time this AM. Got right to it. No bonus points… Yet. I’ll see if I can play a few more and update before others finish! Close to 0 deaths in rumble…
Remember folks - challenges can still be completed after the top 3 for 1 point. You can also obtain the bonus points to increase your totals!
I’m also noticing, and there’s nothing wrong with this, that the same few members are primarily tackling these challenges. Anything I can do to spice it up and get more involvement? @MacAulay? @Guest_78?@RiseChu? @HipsterSkaarf ? @LegendaryE? @Orikson? Calling some of you out!
Trust me, I love the idea of completing these challenges since they look like so much fun but I usually play twice (or three times at most if im not tilted) a week.
If Im correct the goal of these challenges are to see who completed the most, but I cant consecutively play every day of the week .
But ill attempt to complete as much as I can since it seems like a fun community event to participate in
Damn you right I keep meaning to… problem is challenges always come out right when I’m playing, so I check the challenge, go play some VG and then get back and you’ve uploaded the next days challenge. I will try better tho, if I log on, focus on the challenge before anything else and then upload it as soon as I get it done it should work.
If removing the standings were to create more incentive, I’d be fine with doing that! The goal is really just to shake things up a bit in the game for folks. The daily chests/quests are very repetitive, and really aren’t challenging. My main objective was to do something fun for the community and in doing so, while utilizing unique challenges, make the game more fun!
I also understand scheduling conflicts. I’m lucky that this weekend we didn’t have a meet (I’m a swim team coach) and that I get Monday and Tuesday off this week (I’m also a P.E. teacher). Most days, I have limited time to complete the challenges, despite my position in the standings (I take advantage of my 45-minute lunch break). I will say, this means I play ranked games 2-3 times/week now because I love trying to complete my own challenges I’m issuing you all. It has made the game even more enjoyable - definitely give it a shot! I literally try to play a ranked match or two on the weekend to avoid rank decay - ha! I’ll get a bit sweaty with my days off coming up…
Would love to see your name pop up on the COD soon!
Oh - and regarding tilting - if you’re on the NA server, add me! My IGN: VeritasVT. I’ll be a reliable teammate for ya
Remember - I always (mostly) submit them between 6:00am-8:00am CDT, that’s 7:00-9:00am US EST. Look forward to seeing your name pop up! Someone’s got to stop @SeRAPHiM1!
The reason why I don’t do them is because I hate everything that contains talents, 5v5, and random modes. I mostly exclusively play 3v3 ranked (outside of the few 5v5 matches I play to keep up with the meta and try to see if I finally get to enjoy it), and in ranked I can’t chose the hero I want nor play in a different way than I should to complete a challenge like not dying (sometimes as a roam you have to sacrifice yourself or in a teamfight you can’t just retreat to safe yourself). Just because of the modes I play I’m not able to do it.
I can certainly throw in some more ranked 3v3 and in general ranked-base challenges into the mix. Something I’ve been wanting to do more of lately as well. Please feel free to leave any suggestions!
Well I think I responded in the first thread why Iam not going to participate , but when I first time downloaded the game there was only two modes casual and ranked 3v3 , and I spent a long time playing casual only and trying all heroes , then when they introduced battle royal and blitz I played them as a break from ranked .
So for me now Iam all about ranked , Iam just against removing casual 3v3 because it’s going to effect ranked , Iam not even looking at the quests or collecting glory like before , I just rank whenever I feel Iam good to rank in my different accounts .