VGforums COD Week #10 Mar 17 - 23 2019

Hooray for reaching week 10! Here’s our first challenge of the week.

Sunday, March 17th 2019

Win two PvP games (blitz doesn’t count) playing the hero Petal. After some significant changes to Petal, it seems to be a bit more viable. Win one game utilizing a CP path and one game a WP path. Bonus point for each victory in a ranked match.

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Playing WP Petal in Rumble* in solo queue … hasn’t gone well. :potoo:

* Rumble on the weekends is pretty much a festival of toxicity anyway. It's been horrific as usual this morning.

Haven’t played Petal in a while so that WP match was rough at first :joy:

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Monday, March 18th 2019

Good morning. This week will be hero themed. Here is today’s challenge:

Win two PvP games as the hero Vox. Blitz/ARAL matches do not count. One game must be utilizing a WP path and one game must be utilizing a CP path. As @Guest_78 has said, #bringbackwpvox

Good luck!

Any bonus for rank ? Either way, trying to catch up


Were both ranked? As the vgfcod overlord, I’d be happy to issue a bonus for ranked. Also, you’re on a roll! Keep it up.

Did it myself. Both Rumble matches. WP was easy and team did well. CP started 0-2 with toxic teams and then I had enough and focused more ha.

No more 3v3 cas so yep and sweet, I really want to catch up :joy:

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Tuesday, March 19 2019

Keeping our hero theme going. I’ve been gaining interest in Inara lately. I think she has some versatility and is a good team hero.

Win two PvP games (blitz and ARAL don’t count) as Inara. One game must be with a WP build and one game must be with a captain/utility/support build. For me, that means at least two t3 support items (such as fountain, crucible, rook’s, capacitor, atlas, etc)

Good luck!

Ta-da! What’s her viability as a CP hero? Also, with the support build I went, would :vgitem_shatterglass: have been a better choice as a last item over :vgitem_sorrowblade:?

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Wednesday, March 20th 2019

Breaking away from our current trend for a bit, and while it’s a polarizing audience, we’re going to cater to folks who don’t mind talents and brawl modes that utilize them (I haven’t allowed blitz or ARAL the past several challenges).

Win three blitz matches. One using a rare talent, one using an epic talent, and one using a legendary talent.

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Yay! I did it! Give me a sec to upload images…


Seeing you pop up in my notifications for this topic, and to have it be an actual submission of completing the challenge, your first one; it’s as if an angelic choir has filled the room I was in when I read your post. Welcome to the COD standings, @HipsterSkaarf!


Speaking of… just added Seraphim Adagio to the VG Wallpapers collection!


Yay me.

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Thursday, March 21st 2019

I. Am. The Fortress! Great to see this hero appear far more viable this patch. Both as a jungler and a bit as a captain.

Win two games as the hero Fortress. One as a captain/support build, and one as a jungler (CP or WP) build. Blitz and ARAL matches do not count. Bonus point for winning ranked matches.

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I won the first match I played as a jungler. It took four tries to win one as a captain, though, because apparently no one in solo queue this morning knew how to build for damage. (I had some carries with three defense items :man_facepalming:) Finally got a decent team in this last match, but we were pretty much 4v5 the whole time because Taka was kind of struggling.

@hazeleyes , you may have beat me but thanks to ranking in both my matches, I still add to my lead :wink:

Also, this was funny to note before I attempted played today -

And I shall continue to make it hard for you two to close in on my lead. Mwahaha! The overlord strikes again!

EDIT: Oh my God… Look at that Anka build in my win as a captain… AC??? :face_vomiting:

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I’ve seen some of the craziest builds this patch … :laughing:

Friday, March 22nd 2019

With the API seemingly back, please re-incorporate it back into your screenshots where applicable.

Win 'em all! Win a ranked match (5v5 or 3v3), the event mode match, a rumble match, and a blitz match!

Good luck to all!