VGCE Status?

Updating on iOS has been a major problem on my end for quite a while. I got lucky this time and it updated without any problem, but in the past I’ve had to do full uninstall/reinstall in order to get updates. Hopefully they can finally get the updating issues fixed before old profile importing comes bc I’d imagine having to uninstall to update would be a major problem.

Sadly, I doubt there will be a lot of updates after initial release and few bug fixing patches for critical issues.

Btw, am I the only one that notice that contender skins are missing?

I believe they stated that the LE and contender skins would be returning once you were able to import your “old” player profile.

Kinda shocking to see the “0 wins” … but at least I got my IGN back.

Mine is only “Guest”, they took away my numbers. I wonder if I will be able to get them back.

Btw, does anyone know if you can actually ply in whatever server you want? There is a window that allows to chose the server so I think yes but idk if it really works this way.

You should be able to change it – just tap on the pencil icon next to your name.

I’ve also noticed you can change your name multiple times, and you can even have a hero name as your name. So far I’ve been Ardan, Julia, corpus, Temporary, Grace, and Skaarf :skaarfneon:


I managed to put my old name, which actually surprised me. Last time the “_” symbol wasn’t allowed.


@TheInterpreter… did you get your name too?? :sunny_happy_1:

I did :slight_smile: doubt anyone’s snagging my name.

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Well then, I ran into you at approximately 5:30pm eastern time yesterday! I was playing under the name “MaximumBobert” :sunny_happy_2:. You were Baptiste, but you had an AFK on your team :spring_sad_3:. GG for that first minute though!


Lol GG! Yeah I can’t quite quit this game yet. Something about it just isn’t replicated in any of the new moba offerings I’ve seen.


Is 3v3 a mode in VG right now?

Installed VG for the first time since January! Was hoping 3v3 casual would be a thing. Played a few ARALs. I noticed talents aren’t available, but in the 2nd game, 2 of our opponents had talents… :thinking:

I just played a “solo vs. bots” match to try out the game in its new incarnation. I was happy to see that the lag was mostly gone (I only remember 1 significant stutter), but like you, I was hoping to see casual 3v3 included as a game mode.

I can’t figure out how to select a skin – I never got the option in the match I played.

There’s a discrepancy between client versions that allows some people to select the skins and talents while others can’t. It seems like more clients are updated to not allow select skins and talents while a good few are able to, so most likely than not you’re going to run into fair matches without talents.

This strikes me as … not encouraging.


It’s really sad to hear about this. It’s certainly understandable given how VG isn’t sustainable In the slightest at the moment, but it certainly sucks to hear about the indefinite development pause, as well as the PC version getting axed. Hopefully keeping the servers up won’t harm them too much and CB ends up being great.