VG Forums Patreon

So as you all know we are a community run, community funded forum - and this creates some challenges in terms of meeting the costs of running the forums.

A number of community members have asked how they can help out. Of course the main way you can help out is by being an active, helpful community member.

But if you want to help out the forums financially for the time being we have decided to try Patreon - which is a community microfunding platform.

If you would like to help support the forums financially you can do so here:

As much or as little help as you can give is appreciated. For your patronage you get (assuming you use the same email for Patreon as for the forums) membership of the shiny Patron group - the ability to use that as your forum title and the indicator on your profile picture.

We would much prefer this to adding ads or anything like that since they clutter up the interface, and no doubt would end up advertising other games anyway.

In the extremely unlikely event that this ends up generating more money than the forums cost us to run any additional money will either be put back into the forums (hiring artists to make badges, programmers to code neat stuff for us etc) or used to fund forum give aways and competitions.