Update 4.5 New Hero - Miho

I actually detest the Reddit community but they’re probably the largest and most diverse community active for vg rn.

I definitely understand what you mean, I used to he a idris main so it really hurts to see him unplayable in high elo, however, most of the heroes (including Idris) actually dominate at lower to mid tiers because no one knows how to close out games, as a result, games in mid to low elo commonly last 35 minutes. At that point heroes like Idris and varya become quite good. also SAW is another monster at those tiers. Honestly the only solution is some sort of kit rework. Bruisers are another issue with the CC meta destroying them

I honestly haven’t seen any low elo player complaining about idris or varya. For some reason people love to say “it’s because of low tiers” when that doesn’t need to be true. Low tiers struggle at using idris.

Having high skill heroes be broken in high tiers and bad in low tiers isn’t a problem unique to vg, league has had multiple recent cases of this. Akali aatrox and ryze just to name a few. Having heroes with incredibly high skillcaps is always a risk design wise. I agree miho being too good right now, but most VGS players have already found ways to counter her. Crucible, Cath and draft.
Also Magnus was balanced on release (like warhawk and leo), but the community sucked at him and thus he was hotfix buffed into brokeness. Recent releases also have been much better, and will continue to improve.

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Idris sees no play at low tier lol, and Varya very little.

Warhawk was weak, not balanced.


That doesn’t make it less of a problem though.

Also, even if players know how to counter her, that doesn’t mean she is not op, having a counter doesn’t equal being balanced.

About Magnus, even on release he want balanced, after multiple nerfs he reached a point where he was weaker than on release and he was still op. With him SEMC just make a big mistake, you shouldn’t buff a new hero one week after it’s release, you have to give players time.

Recent releases may be getting better (though it’s not the case with Miho), but then SEMC throws that away overbuffing them and making heroes broken, so I don’t agree it’s getting any better, if anything it’s getting worse. We used to have op heroes, not broken heroes which seems a normal thing right now.


This needs to be said more often. It triggers me how every time I say a hero is too strong, inevitably there is that one guy who is like “learn how to counter him/her lmao noob”. Like, every hero can be countered to varying degrees. A hero is over powered when on average they do better than they should in both favorable, neutral, and poor match ups. When Reim was op he still lost to Skye more often than not if they were equal skill. But he had an easier time than he should have if balanced.


Agree, it’s hard to not see the “you can counter it” argument when discussing if a hero is op or not. For some reason people tend to think that if a hero can be countered that hero isn’t op.

It’s not the players only , the Devs too , I asked @Nivmett that 3v3 needs more banned heroes and he said the mode is easy to counter in it , so instead of banning the op heroes you counter them , and when me and you and @VaKTaBi discussed Kensei you guys mentioned his counter heroes as he is balanced because there is counters , so counters are part of the balance in the game I think but they treated as the big part even if there is a high outplay potential for the op hero to counter his/her counters .

You completely missed the point. Counters are a big part of the hero balance, but a hero having counters doesn’t make it balanced.


Please, read again the whole Kensei discussion, because you clearly didn’t get the point

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iam not here to discuss what we said there just pointing out counters are big part of the balance that you mentioned them there to show that Kensei can be destroyed and is not strong , the same thing apply for other heroes you can mention their counters and say they are balanced , it’s sometimes come to what people prefer and what they want to play , like if reim get buffed people complain to get nerfed while other heroes because their kit interesting people not complain and actually attack semc if they get nerfed , reim can be countered by every single hero in the game so counters aren’t part of the discussion about his balance hehehe .

That’s simply not true, we discussed counters because at some point you said Kensei had no counters, which is false.

For example?

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When we were talking about counters of Kensei, we weren’t talking about balance.
And what the hell are you saying about Reim? Not everybody counters him. Nobody complained about Reim being buffed.

I think for a long time Skye and kestrel , Gwen at some point but not that strong , the old taka before he got strong nerfs .

Reim got buffed twice and nerfed very fast the next patch , I think he is the fastest hero getting nerfed semc actually scared of making him strong , like I remember other heroes lasted longer .

It’s not just me who said he has no counters , we discussed how to counter him and got some heroes potentially counters him but he can outplay them , I don’t want to discuss him , There are strong heroes now like Miho and Leo , I don’t care about Kensei .

No one complained about Skye and kestrel being nerfed when they were op, more like the opposite, people thanked SEMC. Taka was, before the rework, objectively weak (42% win rate) and was nerfed into a 39% win rate, he was by no means op, that’s why people complaint.

Reim got nerfed because he became the second strongest hero of the update with over a 56% win rate, all heroes with that win rate got nerfed. The fastest was Vox, the moment they gave him a 20% damage increase after using the A, got hot fixed 3 days later. No hero with the same level of power lasted longer before being nerfed, no one.

Read the whole conversation again, because you seem to have forgotten most of it.

Reim got nerfed because he was OP. Skye and Kestrel didn’t need any nerf most part of the time, both were high skill cap heroes who only saw any play at high elo, were they were balanced.

Old Taka, to what Taka are you talking about?

Then why did you start talking about him? You missed completely the point of Kensei’s discussion and used some arguments we used but in different situations were they are not valid.

well Iam typing and deleting , iam not in the mood of long discussions , I know my next reply going to expand to more points , so I think what I already said was enough .