Update 4.5 New Hero - Miho

From watching gameplay, her Focus is more limiting than energy when quickly using abilities. Just like BF if you reliably basic attack it is not a big deal, but if you get peeled off target, or commit to something expecting to have the ability ready, you can be left high and dry. It’s also very easy to just blow all of it spamming her A since it will go on until she runs out, so players who aren’t aware of it will screw themselves.

She is still really busted, but the focus in stead of energy adds skill and depth to her kit.(idk why all melee warriors had energy for a while is really weird. Stuff like focus, bloodrage, stamina, vengeance and the like fit these heroes much better). This is not a Sen Feng scenario

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Chaining her A on unguarded targets (what ult does to, basically, the whole enemy team) is the OP part that does not suffer “focus” problems.


Im literally the miho from the clip. I did use her As to dodge. I even used a reflex block in case i was stunned.

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But the result was simply spamming the A. It could have been coincidence and all that, but an A spamming would have had the same result.

In that situation, sure, but in most teamfights saving the A and timing it well is far more beneficial. Tbh I think everyone is over reacting at how strong she is because she’s a very flashy hero. But she has very real weaknesses and counters.
Is she strong? Yes,
Is she the best hero this patch? Probably not, not for high elo anyway,
What do you think her winrate is?

There is no way for me to know the win rate and you know that, so why ask?

What you think her winrate would be gives me a idea of how you perceive miho and her place in the meta.
Just remember if her winrate is above 60 it’s a hotfix nerf and a hotfix buff if below 40

I expect her to have a low win rate just because as Caine on release people don’t know how to use her, and there is no way to practice her because she is perma banned.

Caine had a low win rate, are you going to tell me he wasn’t specially strong?

She’s a high skill hero with a complicated kit.
She’s perma ban in high tiers people and having trouble playing her in the mid to low tiers. Imo the balance team did fine.
Warhawk was balanced on release and literally no one even bothered to learn him.
Caine was super good but everyone thought he was bad.

Did you even read this forum? Everybody said Caine was broken, not weak.

Consensus on reddit for the first week after release was different.

Its not my fault they fail to simply spam abilities. They also though Kensei was balanced at first, and Anka, Malene…

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The average skill tier in Reddit is not really good, so is pretty obvious most of them wouldn’t know how to play him. And no, they just said that Caine was not OP, not that he was weak.

edit: you said “everyone” but you were only taking into account reddit, forgetting about the forum, twich and overall almost every t10


I get that, but balance can’t be based solely around the high tiers.
Trust me, I would love if balance was only for vg silvers, it would make the game so much fun for me, but the rest of the playbase would suffer immensely.
I do think balance overall has improved and is continuing to get better.
Heroes like Anka malene (who I agree were BS) have complicated kits and combos that most players will never master. They were high skill cap heroes but had low skill floors. They have since been nerfed.
I’m sure Miho will get a nerf next patch, warhawk and Leo too. But even with that said, the meta is good right now

we are not asking about balancing just for high tiers. The meta has been the same for almost 5 or 6 patches now, and thats not good. BF still see 0 play, Idris still unplayable, Rona is not balanced, Ringo still weak… the only thing we are seeing is that they are releasing heroes who always get a massive buff to break them whereas heroes like Idris, SAW, Petal, etc… only get really small buffs if they get any (and most patches they doesn’t). So no, the meta is not good, is stale and some heroes are getting different treatment compared to others.

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I agree. IMO the game should be balanced for high tiers but making sure some heroes don’t destroy the meta in lower tiers (in which case they should be balanced for those tiers). For me having a hero being weak in some tiers and meta in others is better than meta in some and broken in others. That way low skill floor heroes tend to be balanced more for lower tiers and high skill floor heroes for higher tiers.

Right now Miho is poorly balanced because she is bad at low tiers and broken at high tiers. Lol, even Shinkaigan already agreed she was op.

Each update I give less and less credit to the PBE members, because they’ve failed multiple times. They failed with kensei, they failed with varya, malene, lorelai, Magnus, Caine, San Feng, anka and now with Miho.


I actually agree with this a bit. There are definitely different tier heroes, and certainly some that are useless and some that warrant high priority in regard to picks or bans, but, that will happen with a roster of 50+ heroes. Overall, with this patch, I am seeing a lot more variation when it comes to which heroes are banned in the draft, and thus, whcih heroes are picked.

Joule has certainly become a staple ban/pick. Aside from her, I’m seeing some variation now in POAG, VGB, and VGS play in NA.

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Here the same 4 heroes are banned match after match after match, and the same 10 heroes are picked the same way with sometimes a minor variation in one or 2 heroes (out of 14). It feels, once again, like rewatching the same match you just played.

Edit: what I’m starting to notice though is certain VGS players are starting to ignore the meta and play whatever they enjoy because, as Maxman said “the game becomes repetitive and boring if you don’t do it”. Things like CP ringo jungle are starting to become normal in ranked. It’s honestly quite sad to reach that point though.

I agree for sure. Just saying I’d much rather she has focus than energy. Actually feel like the first high effort full warrior/duelist in a while. In no small part because of the alternate energy.