Update 4.0, San feng, 3v3 casual removed, new skins

Less than lyra’s though. The process they use when balancing are the dices. One for the hero, the second for the ability.


Yall should release a flash game of a randomized dart board/dice game where it guesses the hero changes for the next patch.

I would LOVE to play that at the ending of each patch.


Most buffs seem logical as a tier 10 5v5 player (ideally what SEMC is caring balance towards.

There are certainly balancing mistakes, but that’s true of any online game. League of Legends has had champs that could one shot a same level champion without requiring much setup, and accidentally created a meta where adc (WP snipers like Gwen and in VG) were completely useless. Balancing is harder than people give devs credit for, especially when you have a wide range of skill deference players. Look at how SAW can be under powered and over powered at the same time depending on skill tier

3.10 idris - savage nerf
4.0 - all round buff

4.0 lyra - random huge ult range change

3.10 - remove all skill and buff Reim
4.0 - nerf hard

4.0 Krul CP path buff

4.0 Reza - unwarranted buff. He’s perfectly placed win rate wise

Explain the logic please, it’s escaping me and I think 99% of the community.

Nivmett is sorely missed. Sorely

Edit: with regards to skill tier. Any competitive game balances to the top tier. Lower tiers have to suck it up and learn. Any competitive game.

Not a game like you wanted, but I made a program that predicts hero changes. Wasn’t hard at all to make and it only makes one prediction at a time so uh


Lmfao :laughing:

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Nevertheless you made me giggle :rofl::joy:

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It’s simple yet accurate. It’ll get the 100% correct balance changes eventually

Will The varya skin be available in opals? & anyone else annoyed that they removed ARAL(battle royale)

Yes, it will be available with opals next update (possibly 500).

“Captain Gwen will become broken next patch”
“WP Samuel will get nerfed next patch”

Seems about right

Edit: I just got “CP Petal will get buffed next patch” and “CP Petal will become potato next patch” in succession I’m having way too much fun here.


Ooooooooh, I want to try this!

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Nah bro as a Reza player the 4.0 change despite what the numbers say was a nerf. His 3.10 rework I completely understood and would just clobber my opponent at level 2 and snowball the rest of the game but in 4.0 despite Reza having a stronger level 2 his mid game is worse and his Ult (where he is supposed to spike hard) doesn’t do that as well.

The moment the enemy team decides to 2v1 Reza he’s done for even if he has his Ult. The 10-second timer was good as it gave him lots of fort heath that would not go away after 10 seconds or enemies burst the fort health down.

Lyra change was hella whack but I don’t think its something that applies to literally any player except those who main Lyra or the competitive scene. Even a VG Silver solo q match its too risky to perform. Interestingly though I feel like this was rather done for the sake of us having an in-game chat, as there has been a trend with newer captains having very communication orientated Ults (Yates, Churn, Lore).

For some reason even though I have an overall 60% WR throughout my life time of playing Idris who is my most favorite hero it feels like he’s suffering from an AA bug. His autoattacks for some reason decrease in speed after unlocking his WP path which nullifies his “spike.”

Reim still hella good and tbh how much skill does one need to have in order to have a similar damage output as something like a Ylva or Glaive. I feel like the true problem with Reim is either you have to make him into a melee combo mage that does well over the average amount of damage that a character should be inflicting to compensate or make him into a low skill ceiling battle mage that can sustain and do a decent amount of damage with the potential to ramp up like crazy with a DE.

WP Koshka isn’t actually that bad (you didn’t mention this weird one so I did) and CP Krul works ok as a peeler. By no means, he should be expected to carry but he has a good secure, tanking, and a pop heal.

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Decided to join back into this game only to receive the news that they have removed the casual 3v3 . It’s a sad time to be around here, I joined before even Lyra showed up and from my history with the game, 3v3 is where Vainglory grew up. I wanna keep an open mind about this but since they removed the causal I don’t know how to feel about this game anymore.


Welcome back to VG and welcome to the forums!

Yes, there have been a lot of major changes to the game since the days 3v3 ruled the land. It’s pretty clear that many of those changes hurt the game by alienating core players. They don’t seem to be able to stop themselves, though, because they continue to do things that drive off more players – it’s mystifying to me.

SEMC have implied they’re working on a new game, so I don’t think VG is going to get much love going forward, as they devote their resources to their new title.

I agree, it’s quite sad.


Even the “stats” section is still presented in the player profile… goes to show how much effort is currently put into the game.

I didn’t even realize that tab was still there, as the player profile page is really pretty useless. I honestly can’t believe that anyone at SEMC thinks this is a good thing to show to players in-game … :man_facepalming:

I was wondering why it was kept in the previous update (as they announced the “casual approach” before the rollout and with a good amount of time for the change to happen), but keeping it on the next one is just absurd + goes to show how much time they devote now to VG.

Edit: Also the player base quality is super low compared to before… trolling, dodging, insults, ping spams. Yesterday I decided to play one - gosh… first of all, long que and declines/not accepting for 4 times = 20 minutes to even start a draft. From there I got not one, but TWO dodges in drafts and insults in all chats between players. I won that match, but I feel that the game won over me… for that time I would had played 5-6 matches in ML without waiting and having fun. Yeah, I love VG approach more, but especially now when I kinda start to know what I am doing in ML - it’s not that simple as people would think and there are some REALLY strong players that easily can go 1vs5 in low-mid tiers, I imagine what is going up in the higher tiers.

I feel I will switch to LOL for my home and some ML there too when I want to be on the couch or on the go. Can’t spare any more of my nerves and little free time I got for VG. Ofc I will fire up and play a match here and there, but it’s just too bad currently and I am saying that as one of the people that spend over 1k euros on that game, mind you - the only ftp game I spend a penny. Didn’t spend in a year, so this goes to show how their marketing/approach to the game, ended the game.