Took a while but I am finally here to answer any questions I am allowed to answer

Looking at your match history, most of your matches have been well paired. The two last matches you played during off peak times (Fri Lunch) are the worse in your recent history. We are in the same tier. I feel like my matches are really well paired and worth the 4 min wait.

I tend to value the in-game last season ranking over VGPro. VST two weeks into a season is not going to be an accurate measure. If you look at you teammmates last season rankings on the loading screen, I bet those matches are closer than what you see on VGPro.

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4 min? That’s nice. I can play 2 SC 2 matches (PC) or 1 mobile game with 6+ min que+dodging+not accepting both at 40 min…

Folks, PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC … this thread is huge already, and we don’t want to fill it with discussion among one another – stick to questions for Nivmett and brief comments on his answers, please!

(Not picking on you specifically, @Bayou – I just didn’t want to hit the general reply, because then it notifies Nivmett. Lol.)


see the problem here is that niv specifically said that he can’t answer FUTURE questions and here we are asking them every few posts -.-
Also, mocking SEMC doesn’t help either…


I just hope that the playerbase grows large enough to the point where we can have SoloQ and Duo/Trio queue in different parts. It’s actually getting on my nerves that I have to run into a duo/trio queue, and it feels especially worse when I have all ex-POA players on my side and the party on the the otherside has similar ELO to me and me only.

slides ICE
niv, do you have any ideas about Lyra and malene new skin?

I admit I’m pushing the envelope on what we should be asking someone who exclusively works on balancing, I just had too much hope he would know other stuff. I guess the teams don’t actually talk much between each other.

@Nivmett how do you feel about the lack of comeback mechanics the game offers as of now. I feel part of that reason is due to how little gold players receive when assisting in getting kills. When players are behind they have to focus on farming more and being safe behind turrets, they’re out looking for ganks of a team fight. So it just makes it easier for the enemy team to gank because they can leave their lane knowing they will successfully get a kill when ganking from being feed and knows you won’t have much teammates because they’re all trying to push for farm and turrets. I know you and the team will probably balance it differently if you do see the problem I’m just giving some food for thought and wonder where yours is.

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Has there been any considerations on how to make Top lane more rewarding in light of it facing a 1v2 with a WP buff? Should the lane provide more experience with a lower experience split to make Top laning the Exp lane?

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Thing is devs come to work they work the entire day. They go home to their families and children. You can’t expect them to spend a bunch of time answer questions or being raged at. (which happens more than it doesn’t unfortunately) A couple devs try and pick one social media like Kraken on Twitter and stick to there but often times the things players have 95% of the time are “what is coming in the future” or “I am upset about this”. So no not that I am aware of.

Most of my family and loved ones are an 8 hour drive away so I try and spend the extra time here with the community.


But Vainglory is love, Vainglory is life

Because I tell you I don’t know may also mean I cant say. Like I have stated and mentioned A LOT. Please don’t take shots about communication between teams. I find it rude when someone assume things they have literally zero idea about because they aren’t present. (Which is what you are doing right now if that wasn’t clear.) >=(

Lack of comeback mechanics? I actually disagree with that. We removed a lot of the global gold that was causing teams to snowball. We have longer game times and more comebacks than ever before. Also adding more assist gold is how you create a larger snowball lol. The front foot team is far more likely to get gold than the back foot team.


True but do not forsake your loved ones for Vainglory.


I have plans for that but all my changes won’t be in till the next season change.


:frowning: why does everyone remember that >:( heepsterskurf also said that when i wanted to invite him to party

melts ICE…No
(30 characters) =)

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Thanks for the explanation Hazel. Your a boss.


Very much true.

Dang people are looking at my VGPro…I need to step it up so I don’t loook bad. XD


if you melt ICE do you get
Wet Atrocious Tornadoes Ever Raging?
get it? get it? get it? also, wow that was awful >.<

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It really depends how much energy is inputted into the system. If you have added enough energy to break enough bonds then it could be steam. =P

Yes I got it. lol

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You mean SemiTransparent Energy And Matter?