Took a while but I am finally here to answer any questions I am allowed to answer

LOL aah I got it. My bad. ^_^.

In the past assassins turned out to be hardcore brawlers, was that intentional and patched to fit it more later on or not? Blackfeather as an example wasn’t meant to be a hardcore tanky executer he is today

In the quite recent past Saw was meta for a bit and was heavily nerfed becoming potato again. What if you gave him the ability to cancel his supressing fire at a recoil cost of say 10% max hp by activating Roadie Run. Moving away while locked down he takes damage. This would mobilize him more but not without cost.

What CP melee heroes do you think work best in the top lane? (Excluding Reza.)

Serious question.

Why don’t you unify the vision system and skill UI (flask/cams) between 3v3 and 5v5 you could even lower the amount of cams to 1 per person in 3v3.

This would lower toxicity and enable a standard way of playing.


TBH I kind of want to play CP SAW after I saw this guy playing it in the jungle and it was a T10 match too so either the enemy was very bad or he was too good. Going with the first one because he wanted mid originally but started trolling, but I guess the moment he shanked someone in the jungle and got the enemy red buff he was enlightened…

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Hmm I like Baptiste, Idris and Malene.

Patience :slight_smile: (Random word to fill 30 characters)


shanked someone in the jungle and he was enlightened

That legit made me laugh, but i cant play cp saw, i attempted to bot with him and got wrecked by a joule

i think ill stay with playing my normal weapon carrys until saw gets his whatever change/same with taka rework rumor

@Nivmett I personally feel that Lyra’s popularity is due to the fact that she is the only support who can heal appropriately. Are there any ideas from the devs of adding more diverse support? Do you feel Lyra’s popularity is because she is Op or because she is the only one who can heal?(besides Adagio but it takes him too many items for it to be effective and his B is useless as support.)

Grace heal is also popular if she goes cp support.
DE + SG and echo

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Oh man I can’t wait. Patience. :slight_smile:

When people ask u questions multiple times u cant answer so u low key shoot them the face :slightly_smiling_face: so u can hide ur silent fury XDDD

Welp idk if thats how u intended to use that face but its still funny to me

No nott quite but it is funny when you look at it that way XD

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Snap… this one’s going in my cringe compilation.


Yeah, especially in high tiers the dodging is serious issue. I constantly can’t start a game in 20-30m and I say that without hate or overstatement. que, not accept, que, not accept, que, all draft process, dodge, que, draft, dodge, etc.

Nowdays if one of the teams wins the draft - insta dodge. Leaving only “fair” draft wise games to begin and this takes a lot of tries and dodges + removes part of the fun/strategy of outdrafting the enemy.

Also I see frequent dodges if one would not get the role and even the hero he want’s. I even encounter players that come into the game with the mind either to get kensei or dodge. Had one in our team, he banned, leaved kensei opened even as we are second pick team and bam - the moment they picked kensei, he dodged. One example, happened few times and some of them even the given players said how they will dodge if XXX would not happen.

The punishment and ELO lose x2 should be there if one dodge - only for the one dodging. This way if one press accept in the match found screen, he would play it out. When combined with hard punish for trolls and bad behaviour to mitigate draft/ingame trolling - it should be a lot better than what we have now.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

who’re your favorite heroes design wise, lore wise, and gameplay wise?
also what position do you think is the hardest and why?

Design wise? Hmm I have a few probably Churnwalker, Baptiste, Skye and Tony.
Lore wise? Definitely Alpha!
Gameplay wise? Taka most likely

Hardest to play? I would definitely say top lane or support. Top lane obviously due to the constant ganks, and lane pressure but after laning phase support is particularly tough in 5v5 during team fights because there is SO much more to keep track of.

Great questions!


Thank you for the feedback. Trust me I also hate dodging a lot. I don’t have a lot of time. I haven’t even had time to grind back my 3v3 VG yet even. So when I finally have some time and it takes me ages to get into a match it makes me particularly salty lol.


Any thoughts on how heroes who offer no real AoE effects can be made viable in 5v5? For eg Taka and Krul, were initially broken in 5v5 because they were too good in the ganking/ laning phase, but are now pretty useless because their early game isn’t so special and there team fighting ability is equally potatoey… would taka even be broken if he couldn’t be revealed by cams? Would krul even be broken if he had some ridiculous lifesteal in the very late game like 17% per stack? (Maybe if at Lv 8 he capped at 12 then gained some more white ranking up his ult, or even if the %/stack had a 1% wp ratio )

Edit: I only mean 5v5 late game fights, as even early demons like koshka are more impactful in late fights, I know that krul and tako are annoying early regardless of nerfs