Tired of Losing Because of Teamates

Yeah let’s assume he did bad , why no one carried him in the lost games ? , why the games were perfect for his enemies ? , I agree if he had advanced strategy or strong main he would win , but why him ? Why not others carry him ? , so based on that there’s something wrong in the matchmaking , high teamwork enemy or smurfs .

The last games are about even in losses and wins. Why should he be getting carried by matchmaker? And in t4 I don’t know what match maker is supposed to be. It’s way too random to have balance.

Mate stop with these hypothesis just stop… Its not the matchmaking because all players in his games are in his elo range, its not smurfs because the chances of finding a smurf in this elo are infinitesimal and the enemies are not gonna somehow be skilled and cooperative because they’re not they’re in this elo for a reason. If you think someone else in your team in this elo should step up and carry the game then there is something wrong with you, that’s like expecting a new born child to pay your bills and take care of the family whilst you’re doing nothing. Stop looking for excuses, stop blaming the game, just suck it up and get better that’s how everyone gets out of low elo in every moba not just vainglory.

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you mean the matchmaking try to pin 4 bad players vs 5 good player in order to make one good player lose, consecutively?

that’s absurd and contradicts logic(and theory of chance). is that even possible he always gets clown in his team but never on the other side?


Where did I not do good? Ok if you look at my vg pro I had a few bad games recently because of not playing ranked seriously, but my overall record, I almost always get mvp on vgpro! I almost always have one of if not the highest cs! I usually have the highest kills as a hypercarry when I play one and as anything else all my scores are the results of all the mechanics I am already using that you guys keep telling me I’m not because you haven’t seen me in your game (well some of you. I’m at least sure I’ve played @SideRaiderr before because I’ve have him as a friend since old forums and idk why)

That’s why I don’t get it. I’m not saying the matchmaker is conspiring against me. I’m not the only one experiencing consistently bad matchups in any tier. I’m saying I need to find some strategy for solo play and ranking up that isn’t boring the life out of me due to bad matchups because it’s making me want to quit this game, that I’ve invested hundreds of dollars in btw, and a lot of responses I’m getting is stuff I already utilize. The only differences are probably how aggressive my playstyle is when I use certain heroes and my builds, and if I were to record a match, you would see that’s not why I’m losing. Maybe I just need to pick the strongest heroes and delete everything but then why go through the hassle of these long ass matches, bad matchups, extra shit, when I could just play a generally simpler and more fast paced game?

That’s where I’m at right now.

Hard carrying a 1v5 is always boring though.

There are certain traits in your vgpro that just give it away, i’ve researched your last 20 ranked games so that i don’t base my assumptions on some random unfortunate games.

First of all you’re a mid lane main, mages have aoe burst damage so they basically always end up with most damage dealt on their team or a close 2nd at least. Besides that one reza game, you’ve never dealt most damage on your team on a single occasion in those 20 games, worse you don’t get 2nd that often either and got 3rd on numerous occasion and even worse there is quite a few games where you got 4th and least most damage on your team falling behind full utility heroes.

Second your builds, you never build any form of defense, no block, no aegis, no husks, you got warmail maybe twice and a husk in that reza game. You also build eve first which is a terrible first item, the lifesteal scales with damage and the item itself doesn’t provide that much damage so you end up with no damage and no sustain by buying first. The most optimal build for mages is spellfire, dragons eye, eve and broken myth with halcyon chargers along the way and a block or husk to avoid dissapearing on 2 seconds in fights.

Third, your obstination to play nothing but midlane (or mages at least), not a single bot lane game, no jungle games, just mages. First you should be flexible cause you’re solo queuing and second bot lane and jungle are the best position to carry low elo games.

Fourth your hero pool, now i don’t believe that you should be a meta slave to get yourself out of low elo but sticking to the meta will definitely increase your chances. The thing is your hero pool is not off meta its just straight up bad, just to put it into perspective the go-to mid laner celeste can deal damage with all 3 abilities and deals aoe damage, same applies to the likes of skaarf and samuel. On the other hand Lorelai your most played cp carry has probably the worst kit for mid lane, you only deal damage with one ability and you basically have no aoe (you might land a 2 man stun with your A but thats about it, celeste can wipe out an entire team with one ult). Out of all the bad traits your vgpro has, this one is by the worst you’re playing a hero that can’t carry game after game even though you’re in an elo where you disperatly need to carry. Saw is also a terrible mid lane pick, you’re too immobile so very easy to hit and out ranged by every meta mid laner besides pre level 8 celeste and malene (which are still terrible match ups for cp saw).

Last, your gold income and item progression is way too slow, your last hitting is bad and inconsistent, as a mid laner you should aim for 8 cs/ minute at least, 9 cs/ minute would be ideal. In your best games you had 6 cs/minute and on numerous occasions you get 4 or 5 cs/ minute which are very low standards as a mid laner. And your item progression proves it, eve is a relatively cheap cp item so if you’re building it first (which you shouldn’t) it should be completed within 4 to 4 and half minutes but its taking you and 5 and a half to 6 minutes to complete it. And your progression just snowballs, second tier 3 item should be complete with halcyon chargers with 10 to 11 and a half minutes by in your case they are in 14.

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Why don’t you just try what people suggest to you? When I was low tier and watched high elo gameplay I tried to learn from them and see how they play and build. You are dismissing every suggestion coming from higher elo players just because you think you’re outperforming everyone in every game. Even if it is true which Sandiha already pointed out is not the case, it’s not enough if you can not climb out of T4.

I agree with people who already told you you need better hero pool. However I believe you can climb at least 2 tiers as Lorelai. But the thing is your builds just don’t work. As far as I checked (maybe 30+ games) you always played CP hero and always Eve first item. Eve shouldn’t even be built in at least half of those games and you not only do build it but also first item. It’s just not good in any situation. There’s also AC SAW for example which is even worse. He doesn’t get anything from AC. Also don’t play SAW in the first place.

Just try what people tell you. There’s a reason they do. They’ve been there and have experience. It’s not like every played on this forum is trying to lie to you so you don’t leave low elo. People are genuinely trying to help.


My damage is low because I’m spending most of my recent games clearing and defending other people’s lanes rather than killing! I’m not building defense and most of the time I’m still not dying! In fact most of the times I die I’m trying to save somebody else! In fact the last Reza game every 4 out of 5 deaths was from trying to help someone else who overextended and the one other death was when I went and ganked top mid turret and took the risk! I built eve first and I still got the first kill of the game! I got my first 12 kills in like the first 10-15 minutes and the only reason I didn’t get more was because I’ve been trying Reza without AS to see if he can function like Anka!

I also rotate to all lanes when I play even though I focus on mid! Which you again just can’t see from vgpro! You’ve been playing longer than me, you should know that CP SAW is more mobile once he gets a cw and some cp due to his speed boost on A and the fact that he gets another one. In fact I almost always get turret first in my lane as cp saw!

Yes my last hitting is bad but only because I rarely try except early game unless I’m in a more serious match. That I do need to improve on, taking my games more seriously in general, but again, you’re giving me all this critique without acknowledging my teamates k/ds and their gold! 10 deaths to my 0 or 3 half the time? Cmon man.

Yes some of your advice can be applied but most of it just comes off as assumptions when I’m plainly telling you I already apply half of that. Even down to my hero picks: I’ve picked lorelai a lot recently because i like her kit, not because I don’t play anything else. Same with saw.

I don’t rank in 5v5 but if you’re in NA I can show you how easy it is to abuse T5 players just by running Flicker top lol.

5v5 mostly rewards whoring out objectives. If someone on the other team stops your advance on one lane, port and move to another one.

Watch the map like a hawk too. If you see an opening in the enemy team’s defense, (them not contesting objectives, them not guarding their lanes, or them not taking their farm) exploit it.

Mate can you stop being so defensive all you’ve been doing this entire thread is throw excuse after excuse like seriously i’ve never seen someone so determined to prove that they’re not wrong when they absolutely are. The points i’ve given are not assumptions they’re straight up facts any experienced player can spot the same weaknesses in your game by looking at your vgpro. For the last freaking time, its your fault and your fault only you keep losing those games, so suck it up and get better at the game. That’s my last post on this thread.


I’m correcting you. If you can’t take a correction without calling it defensiveness then that’s where I end discussion too.

@anon53431234 True, but Flicker gets banned a lot. Yeah going for objectives is what I used to do. I got bored of it too. I guess it sounds like I’m complaining about something I can solve easily but the point is I don’t want to be forced to play like that just to rank up because my team is just not up to par, and I feel like over the lifetime of me playing, my scores should have dealt with that. That’s why I don’t even want to bother anymore. That’s why I play who I play: if I’m going to cheese with a monotonous playstyle at least it should be with one I actually like, like harassing enemies with fishfood and pools and cheesing in 1v2+ with a barrier, or surprising ranged laners with SAW’s surprising B range & power and just spraying them down, then spraying the meleers down with C missles and knifing them before they can pop off any cc, or just bombing the crap outta people with baron. These are things I enjoy, including surprising people by wrecking with off brand heroes and builds, like when I got a game changing quadra kill as an empowered lorelai alone late game & secured the chance for my team to storm the enemy base on respawn, and yes it would be easier if I just ran objectives or always hypercarried or played more wp, but the point I feel like is that I shouldn’t have to just to compensate for my allies sucking so much in 70% of games just to rank up. It makes the game feel like a chore, hence wanting to quit.

This thread has lost any usefulness, tbqh. I realize it’s the Salt Mine, and there’s no actual need for it to be “useful” per se, but it’s devolved into people trying to offer advice and that advice being rebuffed … over and over.

I’m going to close it here.