Tired of Losing Because of Teamates

To what post are you referring? I looked back 3 weeks and can’t find any post of yours that was deleted.

Okay see Ill tell you a few things that Ive noticed from vgpro-

  1. Stop playing lorelai every game. You cant carry with lorelai in a 5v5(Unless theres atleast another sensible decent carry/jungler with you)
  2. Dont play cp heroes(Unless you are a godly celeste/samuel). WP heroes(not saw) are the way to go if you wanna get out out of t6. Eg gwen, Glaive, maybe wp alpha(cos no one knows to shut her down), kinetic and other heroes that have atleast 1v2 potential. CP heroes need protection or a helping wp carry. But if you are playing WP carries, You can 1v5 lol. Atm gwen… is just… too strong.
  3. Imagine your 4 teammates afk and surrendering isnt the option. What do you do? You take all the jungle, all the lane. Yeah thats a shitty thing to do but you cant carry otherwise. (Dont forget to Switch off pings)
  4. Yeah Ill tell you on the face, you arent anywhere close to t9. Atleast the old t9. Most of the current t9 is basically boosted t6s and you dont want to be one of them. You might be better than 90% of the t6s/t7s but certainly not higher. I used to think the same way you do when I was a t6/7 cos I used to play with t9 friends and get good kda against opponent t8s and t9s. Now I know how shit I was. You’ll get to know your true skill only in soloQ. And I dont have to play with you to tell you this. I can just see your items-
    A)No boots on cp baron- Thats a crime.
    B)You even bought the same items on CP saw lol. AC on saw? :stuck_out_tongue:
    C)You keep buying 3 energy items ie hc,eoh,cw even though you have an AC. You need to either go the basic attack route with AC or the ability route. You’re compromising with a very big thing due to this-
    D)Defense. Where is your defense? No husk, no aegis nothing. If you think you got the mechanics, then you need a reflex block or how exactly are you planning to save yourself from cc?
    E)Ok, i just went deep into your vgpro. Probably seen the last 50 matches. Your itemization is just bad. Please post on the items and builds section for help if you have doubts cos your itemization really needs help. You shouldn’t buy DE on any assassin. You shouldn’t buy AS on petal( useless on petal ), etc etc. You need to read item descriptions and see how they work and not just use items blindly.
    Once again, check the items and builds section.

Shut down sorry xP
(3000000 charssss)

CP vox or Varya isnt a t6 thing tbh. You need protection from the CC or wp heroes like gwen and ringo insta delete you.

That’s mostly why I said “if he’s good.” If you buy SH and can stutterstep well its easy. CC chains i can’t imagine are that common in low tiers.


I locked it, not @hazeleyes . I explained why before I did so. If you have specific questions about it, pm me

See I don’t mind the critique but I’m not losing. I’m carrying my games. My mechanics aren’t the issue because of how I play and my playstyle almost always carries the team. I don’t know what else I can do but party because that’s what I’m trying to get at. Even though I don’t play like most people in terms of build, I’m not losing because of me. I usually 1v2, even 3 and 4 sometimes to hold my lane. I mean cmon. I have 0 deaths, the highest cs, mvp, and my teamates have 15, 10 deaths. All 4 of them. What else can i do? I’m not getting how it’s a mechanical failure to you guys when you look at my scores

I mean why don’t you actually try what people suggested you? Like you keep asking what you’re supposed to do, numerous people actually suggest to you how to get out of there and you just dismiss it but still try to find a solution without changing anything yourself. That’s not gonna work. You just need to listen to people that actually have the experience and believe me they aren’t lying to you.

Actually have you played Malene in low tier? People literally have no idea what’s going on with Malene in the game. She can literally 1v5 every game.


I personally don’t like the (git gud) words towards lower tiers
Moving from a level to another level needs work fit that level
So when somebody say it’s easy to climb , they speaking from experienced background not new to the game at all , one of my mistakes in low tiers was playing all heroes and playing casual a lot , playing all heroes gives you knowledge and it’s a key to beat other heroes but the problem here at somepoint you going to fight someone with a limited hero pool which means more focused (high outplay potential) , these guys are going to climb faster .

I hate 5v5 but I used to play it sometimes and not trying hard , I climbed the low tiers by playing reim and cp baron , sometimes vox , and I think cp baron is strong and hard to deal with in low tiers , like enemy always giving me advantage because they don’t know , cp baron fits low tiers play style , because you could get benefit from your bad teammates to lure enemy and punish enemies for their mistakes , I can stop any taking dragon attempt and I can steal , I remember like I killed a lot of enemies near the dragons , it’s hard to take them while baron alive .


The git gud works for every tier, not being able to get out of a certain skill tier means you’re not fit for the next one hence the need to improve. What i personnaly dislike is players that just stick the blame on the game instead of admiting that the issue is on their end.


just remember that if you can have 4 clowns in your team, you also can have 5 clowns in opponent team… you always have better chance.

Words of a wiseman.

Cant disagree with that :sleepy:

But if i play with clowns, eventually ill become a clown by dying to overfed enemys and me becoming tilted.

After reading alot of the replies here’s a summary:

Git gud - No it is not an insult. It means you gotta learn the ropes first such as itemization and rotation.
Stop the blame game - Your teammates might be crap but blaming won’t get you anywhere. One remedy? play as a party.
Stop being tryhard on heroes - You gotta learn even the basics of counter-drafting and proper heroes to pick for the lanes. e.g don’t bother picking squishy top lane because it will be 2v1.
Climbing takes time - for newer players atleast. I’ve been playing for 3 years now and I recently climbed to t9. I have been stuck to t6-t7 for a good amount of time.
Practice - For real. No, not K/D/A more on expanding your hero pool and learning the meta.

REMEMBER: If you are on a losing streak (2 losses+) for a day, stop. Just stop. Take a break. Once you are calm again, play.


When I am facing a 3 VG silvers close to gold, 1 VG bronze and one poa gold with my teammates that are all VG bronze lows (around 2400-2450) - should I also feel that the problem is on my end when I lose badly that RANKED game?

No because the game was decided before it begun, as i said the matchmaker effects are not felt in the low tiers and OP’s vgpro backs that statement in all his games he had teammates in his elo range so he only has himself to blame for losing them.

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Well I’ve found the best advice to be @slothslayerlawl in terms of trying different lanes and seeing if that has any effect. I mean most of the stuff you guys are telling me, I already do, besides playing more wp heroes and my builds. (I don’t like wp, doesn’t fit my playstyle as I like having more aoe potential, but I pick it up rarely). I got tired of playing hyper carries as cp too. It’s no fun for me. I guess part of the problem is as you say @Sandiha, I’m tired of going around with pure hyper carry heroes just killing everything. I play with more strategy while my teamates usually just try to get kills and I hate playing like that. That’s why I feel like I should just move to a non strategy game because I’m over just picking Reza and running around deleting everything.

Of course I had the great pleasure of playing top lane and getting my turret early while bottom lost their turret at 4:50 and watching a fortress 1v4 dive the whole enemy team all game.

But… none of the heroes you use are hyper carries…


Because I don’t use them anymore lol. Look how many games I have with Reza. When’s a recent ranked lol. And not cause of bans because I usually get pick too. Or Skaarf or Samuel anyone.

But you have to admit that there is something wrong , if you assume all the players were in the same level based on vg pro , and op said he did good , then why he lost ? , or let’s say why enemy won , why the circumstances were giving enemy advantage over him , and the real question I always ask myself when I lose games , where is that try hard player who wants to get out of his/her tier ? , why they aren’t matching with me and carrying me , he lost games in a row and let’s assume he is bad , where is the try hard player in the 10 games who should carried him atleast once ?

op said he did good

Op thought he did good but he didn’t actually hence why he lost.