Beyond the fact our community controls and funds it, beyond the shiny new tools and options at our fearless leaders (mods) disposal, beyond the fact it’s new and different, it is a fresh start.
It’s an opportunity to hit the reset button on the game at the same time the DEVS have. It’s an opporunity to look back at the OG forums and really be honest with all the reasons it has been shut down. For whatever percent or margin you believe the users played in that roll, or you personally, what about it can we do differently? What can you do differently?
I wrote a post about coming to terms with how SEMC is operating the business side of their company and received a lot of interesting and mostly positive feedback. I think among many things we can all have control of, is the lense we look through when discussing things we care about. Let’s not push back in anger and disgust as we often have. Lets just be a united force of reason, ESPECIALLY when they are taking advantage.
Hearing that a couple devs have already joined this forums REALLY shocked me. Like we just opened these, they JUST closed down our other one, at the end of the day, they either NEED or WANT to be here. Does it really matter either way? The Dev team WILL be listening to us, as they always have. Lets make sure our message is always heard.
When you do circle back to the fact that this is a COMMUNITY run and funded forum, the responsibility of this being a fun, inviting and interesting place, really falls on us. Nobody put up a new forum for commentary and creativity from this community, this community did for itself, (obviously our MODS are amazing for doing this) We can take a level of pride, especially if you’re donating as I will be as soon as I get this post up, that we couldn’t have had at the old forums. They were ours until they werent. We were always in SEMC’s house there.
If you can’t tell I’m really excited for this place, and now seeing the initial 5v5 feedback I’m even more excited for the game. I for one am not going to be apart of a reason this place goes away like our last forum did. I’m hoping everyone migrates over, and those who still play the game but may have left the forums long ago hear about it as well. If you read this whole thing, thanks.