The lowest cost way SEMC could dramatically impact trolling would be a better score card and match results

I know its hidden but thats basically what I re-iterated at the bottom. Other MOBAs do it (even Mobile Legends!!!)

Feeding, not accepting that you’ve fed, and blaming your teamates because of it. That about sums it up. Playing catefully is the single most undervalued strategy in Vainglory right now. Few people want to just let a kill go, which doesn’t make sense given rank is the main visible metric at the moment.

Excoundrel said that troll-like behavior will result in people getting locked out of ranked.

Which is even better.

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Not to mention in lower ranks captains and carries abandoning the lane for the jungle and monster kills, and hereo kills from the jungler. I recently started vg and almost every rank match I’ve lost the carry leave for the jungle with full health, or the captain does it. There should also be a time stat showing percentage of time in lane and jungle as someone who declares themself as your carry shouldn’t meddle around the jungle long at all