My starred thread on the old forum:
Let’s talk about the end game screen and what it registers.
We know how everyone behaved and performed. Wether or not they tried to help etc.
However the stats shown can give a very wrong image of performance.
A carry with kda like 2/6/12 could be seen as a failure. If his jungler had 10/4/0 stats we would consider the jungler the better player.
But what if the carry has done 70% of the team damage and died while performing admirably and the jungler just last hit the enemies at low health taking less risk. Dealing only 20% damage.
Part of the toxicity in game is because we do not see or understand in game performance well enough to tell if someone is doing well in spite of death.
We need kill participation as a kill recap. Just show us how people die and who did the damage.
This will lower toxicity a lot.
Post game screens offer no positive information. Arena of Valor and other mobas grade players by their performance. The game even highlights what the top performance of a player was.
We could have:
Objective Hunter (player has taken down the most objectives with a number)
Killer (player has dealt the most finishing blows)
Raw damage dealer (player dealt the most damage to other players (% of damage done))
Unstoppable Tank (player has survived this % of damage (without dying))
Enemy Controller (player has locked enemies down for this period (seconds of cc dealt))
Healer (most damage healed)
Savior (has stopped allies from being killed through barriers/blocks/heals etc)
Wing man (most assists)
All of these would bring positivity to the game and the players. It also offers creativity in how to name and praise performance. It would also bring in game recognition for captains
Forthflowing from this we could have a caller call out Epic Save!!! When an Ardan vanguards an Ally about to die.
This is a great way to curb toxicity by bringing positivity through game actions and recognizing those actions in the post game screen too.
And before telling me they don’t have time for this or this is too hard, they wasted time on taunts! They spend time to increase toxicity. Now with these suggestions they can bring positivity and it would probably not even take that much effort in the grant scheme of things.
While this is a suggestion thread please keep it in General so it gets seen.
Jan 16, 2018