The Fall of WP Blackfeather

Yeah that’s easy to do in a team fight, by when Kruls bursting out from a Bush you’ll Siri strike to avoid his initial engage. Then what do you do?

I’m not saying Skye doesn’t counter Krul I’m saying not having a reflex block sounds rather optimistic, tour assuming you’ll always have a Siri strike available, you won’t!

Yeah Krul is one of the top 5 banned hero’s bro…

You do what Skyes always do after Suri, forward barrage and melt him. Or zone him out with her C. Krul is easy mode for Skye. It’s hilarious melting over confident Kruls.

Also, no half way decent carry is going to blindly face check a bush… especially if there is a Krul on the opposing team.

Are you tier 4? You’re using some ridiculous scenarios.

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Lol you’re talking about 1v1 him so you’ll be blind checking bushes all the time bro, of course if you want to change the rules to this being a team fight…

I play tier 9, I’m well versed with Skye having let my rank degrade so that I could master her in the winter period. If this was a duel I’d be waiting for you to use your initial forward barrage, any half decent player will be aware of cooldown times etc… and it’s not difficult to use minions etc to shield yourself. The moment you use that suri strike im in your face and your dead, period your next barrage won’t be up for seconds and my ult will be all I need to ensure the kill.

Of course if you wanna flip this and say it’s 1v1 in ranked team match and your the carry that’s different. But then it’s highly unlikely the laner id going to be 1v1 Krul in lane.

What’s your IGN/skill tier? I wanna check your Skye win rate. Let’s see how pro you are shall we… for what’s its worth my Skye win rate for spring is 70% Playing in tier 8/9 for 60 plus matches.

I’m actually vg silver, and have been for the previous 6 seasons (don’t bother checking my VGPRO cuz I don’t play 3v3 any longer.) I guess by some measures I am some kinda god krul, I once played up to 2700 elo with soloQ about a year ago picking Krul every game he wasn’t banned or picked by someone else. Also my one trickery got me a reputation as one of the best krul s in this server, pros would quite literally invite me just because I could abuse krul so well lol

Attached is some definitive evidence that I am the best Kappa.

Anyhow, I don’t remember Skye being a problem for krul for many months, maybe I’m just too good

Skye definitely a good counter to Krul, but not 1v1, just can’t see how I’d beat a decent Krul in a duel, I’d be scared to move around the map as I’d expect a gank in every Bush…

Just like your individual opinion is void. You clearly haven’t faced good ringos, idris, vox,petals or any kiters for that matter. Krul is banned because of his early game not because he can’t be 1v1ed or because building SF/PS isnt viable in some comps. Krul is very good but not for the reasons you mentioned. There are far better bans than krul right now- Celeste, idris,baron, kestrel ,skaarf to name a few.

I will be face checking a bush when there is a enemy krul, said no one ever. SF+ DE will melt krul, I mean absolutely melt him before he even uses his A or perk to engage

Ult and B is staying still which is an open invitation for an ult to the face. Teamfight is definitely varyas advantage as she can engage safety with ult and build stacks to fry krul

No I got to vainglorious silver 5 times mostly with soloQ by never facing a good kiter. Fuck outta here

Ok there is no point in replying to you when you seem to not follow basic civilities in conversing with an absolute stranger on the internet

Like i say I’m a pretty good Skye player at tier 9 (70% win rate for this period over +60 plus games) and a decent Krul in a duel match would scare me.

Exactly how would you avoid face checking a bush in a duel (remember this is 1v1 not team match), and exactly how are you getting DE and SF in the first minute of said duel?

If your arguing about a fully built Skye in a team fight then I’m team Skye all day, she’s a great Krul counter. By in a 1v1 duel Krul is the best in the game, period.

FB into bush? Without items Skye’s damage output is down and not enough to kill krul easily but with 2-3 items behind her she can. Krul has low mobility, his gap closer is on a long cooldown and his perk is predictable. Weapon buffed krul with TB will delete skye early game if caught out but skye has enough in her kit to stay safe . I definitely am not skilled enough to forgoe RB for his Ult as a stun usually hurts a lot. If I move backwards with my A krul has to disengage or risk dying as he can’t keep up with skye.

Right… so you use your Forward barrage into every Bush? Come on man be serious for a second, that’s just not viable in a 1v1, how you even farming if your doing that?

How good with Skye are you? You might be better than me, and if you are fair enough I’ve learned something today. But everything I’ve seen in game tells me a decent Krul would beat me in a 1 v 1 challenge.

I’ll say it again in a team fight I’m going Skye for the win, it’s rare that I’ll be beaten by Krul once fed, I’m just to damn strong and have to much mobility. But in a match where I’m never sure what’s in a bush a decent Krul would own me.

Krul from a bush isn’t fight ending for skye because of few things- Skye can move back with her A which lets her escape krul better than most heroes, movt speed from perk and her B which is fantastic for repositioning. Krul early game can be a threat with buff+TB early game but Skye’s kit as a whole does well against krul. I am not that good with skye, tried her for a few matches and stopped after sometime as she was squishy+high skill cap which wasn’t matching my playstyle

So I’ve got a very good win rate with Skye (just over 70% this season over 60 games) at a tier 9 lvl; I understand her mechanics, her playstyle and her build paths and I’m telling you I’d lose vs a good Krul 1v1. Can we agree that I understand her better than you?

Sure Suri strike enables me to reposition if I’m ganked but that won’t be enough vs a decent Krul, these abilities have cooldowns and if I were Krul I’d play around them. It’s not viable to not face check bushes (it just isn’t) and he only need to catch me out once and I’m dead. You’ve said it yourself, Skye is very very squishy, she’s isn’t designed to deal with a Krul in her face and that’s what’s going to happen in a 1v1, Krul isn’t going to let me feed he’s going to gank me in or from the jungle.

All that depends on krul using his perk on skye. Jungle skye? Krul dominates just because of the surprise factor and looming threat with so much bushes. Lane skye? Just one bush to activate perk if skye is playing carefully and not overextending. I am saying all this from the perspective of a krul player, I have played krul a lot more than skye and he is fairly easy to understand and master. Skye can actually afford to build cooldowns which krul in 99% of the case barring SSW doesn’t build. Kruls 1v1 domination has nothing to do with his perk, his sustain and weakness stacks make him a 1v1 monster not the perk.

Dude come on, this is a duel 1v1 lane and jungle are immaterial, your fighting across the entire map so at some point you’ll over extend in the lane or need to enter the jungle.

Honestly you’ve got a VG one trick pony telling you he abused Krul to get to vg silver, and me (a grunt by comparison) but whose not half bad with Skye (70% win rate) telling you I’d lose in a duel to a Krul.

Who do you think understand these two hero’s better? You or us?

I’ll say it again, in team play Skye is a great counter to Krul. Her kit beats him hard… but in 1v1 when I’ll need to rotate into jungle etc on my own he will beat me black and blue, sure I can kite him, and I’ll even win some exchanges but he’d win because it only takes one mistake and I’m dead.

There is a reason Skye is probably the hardest hero to play in the game, she’s incredible squishy, mistakes are punished by death.

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WTF are you talking about? While you’re sitting there in a bush waiting. A decent Skye is just going to push lane and never face check a bush.

Again, no decent carry ever blindly face checks a bush solo. No one that understand how Krul works is going to be baited into that. Also, scout cams and flares can easily counter his positioning, and once revealed she can simply kite him off lane.

Omg, are you really tier 9 because, again, you are talking tier 4 play.

Okay that’s twice you’ve been unnecessarily rude to me in this thread. I know you’re low skill tier 5/6, and I’m going to assume you’re not a particually good Skye player given her high skill cap. Again I ask for you to share your IGN so I can view you’re ability lvl, mine is Glowurm look up my winrate with Skye for this season on VGPro(71%) at tier 8/9.

Failure to do this will just confirm what I already suspect, you’re clueless about Skye and 1v1 fuels in general.