TB AS SC a build that should not be

Thanks! Couldn’t find the update. Your google-fu is strong! lol.

lmfao. Buff defense should be a ping. The spam would be hilatiously triggering.

Need a get back to your job ping for those junglers that steal lanes and laners who decide the jungle is better because the lane is too hard

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Most often people lack something at their current location. Be it gold or exp. Switching it up (rotating) allows you to overcome a deficit.

Annoying? Yes.

Stupid? No…

It would be nice if those laners atleast ping before picking up healing treants. I would be hitting my double bears/Gold oak and the laner can’t wait for a few seconds to call me and share xp with me even when he has pushed lane and is in no immediate need for that healing


Or you are in need of a heal and they last hit it on you