Surrender change

1 loudmouth shouter keeps suggesting to surrender. People will follow like sheep…

It is usually the fault of one idiot who keeps popping up surrenders and several people who follow up on that suggestion. Often because there are already 1 or 2 people underperforming.

But 1-3 people can easily still win the game.


So what if I’m gonna loose I’m playing ranked which is for competitive players only. I want the chance to play not a constant black box killing my vision. If I wanted vision inhibitors in ranked I’ll play with a joystick


Umm no? If someone wants to surrender the game is still going and not lost. As I said I myself AM for taking your loss when you lose. That’s why I said if they’re finishing I won’t surrender. Take it if you deserved it. But I hate when someone surrenders for me.


I hate it too if it is my team or the opposing team surrendering and it has been accepted in any condition I feel like I wasted my time playing. If I wanted a short match I’d go to brawl modes which I have

I think people who keep playing a lost game are bad not the one who surrendering , you wasting your time playing a lost game , i surrender a lot in 5v5 because i see no coming back from the game unless enemy throw and by a miracle we happen to stick together that moment .

I see nothing wrong with enemy surrendering , its not a waste of time , we all saved time they going to the next game ready to do no mistakes and we finished the game earky ready to play another , iam playing soloq , i dont see anything can fix a lost game in soloq , and i would spam surrender non stop if the game puts me with a trio or duo teammates who die constantly while they playing together and pushing same lane , like thats dumb , i can take it from a soloq players but you playing in party and worst than soloq , just end the game lets go queue another game .

And you are wanting my time by cutting my games short. As I said decide for yourself not others. But if you spam surrender all game you should know that’s a douche move. Don’t decide for others. If you don’t like losing ever I don’t think MOBAs are your thing. Don’t decide for others what should happen. And again if you click surrender mid fight because you died, 1. it is your own fault for dying don’t reduce your teammates vision because of stupid design by SEMC and 2. I’m more likely to troll you if you do that because yours is pretty much sabotaging my efforts (again thanks SEMC). But I won’t ever accept surrender if you do that.

By your words I see you have fun in winning not playing. That’s okay we’re all different. But again don’t decide for others. Winning by enemy surrendering might be fun for you but that doesn’t mean it is for others. And also I don’t see why everyone hates parties. Sure if they are toxic it’s okay. But if they are feeding how does it matter if they are party or solo?


Surrender in ranked is still viable for a number of reasons. It stops time-wasting (which was a major problem prior). One guy would just continuously reject surrender as a form of heightened trolling. Maybe they decided to just turret suicide for the rest of the match because an early invade failed, and you have to spend 20+ minutes to see them feed the enemy laner by dying to them 20-odd times. You’d virtually have no way to comeback because its a 2v3 against 2 fed carries.

I admire that some people here don’t surrender immediately. Keep in mind that I am by no means someone who is quick to surrender either. But you gotta remember to save an umbrella in case of a rainy day, which is, I assume, why SEMC and other game developers implemented said function. Implementation of a surrender function is good if you assess the situation. If someone is trolling hardcore or you’re just not sure if you can make a comeback or not, I think it makes sense. You also gotta count the amount of time someone has. I personally appreciate my time and will surrender if I have something else to do or when I just want to get to the next game ASAP.

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Definitely agree it should stay. Put point is we don’t want to quit a match when we decline the surrender request.

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There is always a way to come back playing ARTS one mistake can completely change the sway of the game. I’ve been in games where we were snowballed before even blackclaw was out. We had 2 lanes down to one turret guess what we the outcome was, victory.

Wrong on so many levels… there are late game heroes. Quite a lot I see comebacks when 1-2 late game heroes are fired up full builds and starts to dominate.

Also priceless. I love when I am carrying the game and in the middle of the fight someone f me up with big part of my screen covered. And as people like you spam it, the big black box will come in my way so many times and as the map is always left to right by default, most of the time the enemy will be there. Just no…

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No idea what this is about, but it sounds like a load of bs to me. IMO ranked games shouldn’t even be able to be surrendered in the first place. If you’re signing up for ranked, you know the time frame of a game, and you should at that point have to ability to stay untilted and learn from a bad game by sticking it out, even if you lose.

That aside though, doubling the elo loss for surrenders? I understand the situation where a game is just so miserable with 2 afk bots, and that troll who won’t quit feeding and then not surrendering where all hope is just lost with no hope of recovery. Or when the enemy team keeps drawing it out and won’t finish, but won’t let your team recover either. But in the case that surrender is necessary (or just better so that the team crushed can finally just get it over with and into another game) you shouldn’t be punished even more for losing. It’s the same as losing, I don’t see why it has to be any worse.

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I usually have time for one game. And very often people want to waste my few or only match/matches…

Also we should add that one can learn from set back position vs the enemy team, learn how to play better when he is in it. For me the people that play only when they win are not a good players. The good players know how to play defensively with gold/objective deficit to have a chance for a comeback. They also understand what late game hero means and that if they can manage to stop the enemy team to end the game - then they have a fighting chance when they hit full builds. This is objective game and even if you lead with 30k gold there will be a point when everyone get to their full builds and then it doesn’t matter how well things played out earlier in the game, one team fight with 50 seconds and more death timer will be game decider.

Finishing the game is also a skill, so if the enemy lost later in a comeback - their fault or the defending team win that they didn’t manage to shatter the vain and let the enemy reach full builds/online better late game full builds heroes.


That’s why the surrender option exists. It’s not about taking a hit on your pride, it’s not that deep, it’s simply about time. Vainglory prides itself on shorter games compared to most MOBAs.

i didnt mention 3v3 , iam still playing 3v3 and i dont surrender there even if the game 2v3 , because 3v3 is straight game , do this you win !

5v5 is a very complicated teamwork mode , if iam jungling and tanking damage in a teamfight , and 4 enemies attacking me and suddenly my team run away from one of the enemies chasing them , imagine this , it was 1v4 situation , me vs enemy , and 1v4 situation enemy vs my team , i died in a blink , and the enemy who made my team running like chickens survived and killed one , now how we supposed to win this , i see no hope , a lot of games like this in 5v5 , no idea why people play carry and run away from fights , the game mode is too complicated for a lot of people , and its not fair when soloq get matched against trioq , the moment you see people camping lanes and your team wondering around you see the loss coming , its not hard to see a comeback or not .

I have seen a lot of comebacks in the game and honestly most of them pure luck
Pure luck
Puuuurrreeeee llluuuucccckkkk
someone lagged and the table flipped , which is very bad for the enemy team ,all the work they did just gone.

Vainglory has the longest match times of all mobile mobas…

So that argument is invalid.

Finishing one game from que to draft to shattered vain can take up to 50 minutes.

I can play at least 3 other mobas where I can triple my actual playing time…

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How does playing 3 short games vs 1 long triple your play time? I don’t know about others but my Max q time is usually around 5 minutes including dodges and rejects

Que times often exceed 20 min…
No accept, dodge, dodge, game with 4 min in between.

Happens at least 3x a week… At 15 min que I now just quit VG and do something else…

This is not a rare occurrence. i have seen sevenfold dodges… That is a 40+ min que plus a 20 min game is an hour minimum…

Sounds like you are more having out of sync issues with client and server I regularly get a 30 second q if it exceeds a minute I cancle and restart q and it usually provides instant match

I average 25-30mins a game including draft, how do you spend 50? That’s what I spend on a PC moba.

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