Silvernail skills set

first skill

second skill

third skill


Wow this is creative…


just make him have a jump ability and make those tripwires blow up and heal him. wait that reminds me of someone.


this would be hella annoying to go around. I hope it doesn’t stun when you walk through it. it seems to last a long time.

just imagine teamed up with some CC like ardan or lorelai or lyra.

the circles are huge… theoretically… that little lazer connection could span the whole lane.


Imo the wire will grant vision, the link will stun and do dmg

But I still have so many questions like, are the enmies able to see the hooks/wires when they are being placed down/up, do they provide a slow/stun/heal, do I have to put all three of the hooks to activate the ability. Just so many questions that I want to answers to because honestly this hero is probably the newest concept to vainglory since malene

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He seems annoying to play against…

That is kind of like one of the fan made hero’s - one that can place walls down that connect. But it’s a laser connection instead.
Still, most interesting ability since who knows when.

Theoretically irl tripwires are really hard to see and only the hunter will know where it is but an inexperienced one might fall in his own trap. I’m pretty sure the green is there for viewing purposes. at most this ability should do damage and maybe a 50% slow (grump has a 65% slow for reference).

Why is it so bright?? Unnecessary. Also, this looks hard for joystick, wonder how they’ll deal with that

I think he will have a long range “impale” the stake type of abilities. Like a Glimmershot but more damage and higher cooldown

the video also shows 2 hook link. I wonder about linking in series… all in a row… creating a electric wall.

You can have 3 backwards and one forwards that will link all of them to the one that’s at forwards. You can also use two I guess but 3 is cooler.

If this is a stun…
Either he’s going to be broken or he’s going to have such little damage he’s a utility damage dealer.
Rather, this should be a slow. Blockable, of course.

What I would rather have is an ability that pushes A SINGULAR enemy back, and stuns if they hit a wall (including his laser walls). That’s just me though. A wall stun that it that easy to set up seems wrong (Guantlet is different since it’s pretty difficult to set up and it fades once Ardan leaves. And it’s an ult. With a 100+ second CD)

it could possibly have a long CD.
it would be a 4 part ability which would require the “silver nails” to be set within a certain time limit. that way they can balance the CD to be longer or shorter.

I just had another thought about this ability:

each silver nail can link to each other within their circle, so by putting the nails close together, you would create a multi-link circle of death. it would be small, but deadly.

so a possible play would be: silver nail sets up a multi - trap in a small circle, grumpjaw eats an enemy and spits out directly on top of the trap. death.

Does any one here really care about joystick users? Lasttime i checked, the forums didnt want sticks in the game.

SEMC seems to think that a great portion of the base (or joining base) plays joystick. Wouldn’t they want their heroes to be equally playable on any settings? They said they wouldn’t design a hero with joystick OR tap controls in mind, but Silvernail seems like he’d be easier to play with tap. I’m not familiar with joystick, so I want to know how they’re going to do it.

Hmmm can we draw a pee pee by setting up those wires

The new top troll hero confirmed?

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