Silvernail skills set

they show the second skill today

This one also reveals the passive. I wish his passive something a little bit more complex but eh.

ehā€¦ i hope the bomb flies further than thatā€¦

double shot perk? seems like the perk effects the bomb damage somehowā€¦ and it seems like DOT from the description ā€œcausticā€ - acid? maybe.

and the second part of the description ā€œblessingā€ ? could it possibly have a positive effect on allies?

The bomb resets his perk.

I have to admit that most of the newer heros have boring to boring perks. Nothing special like Target Lock, Prinicpal Arcanum, or Resonance

Edit: Kensei is ok ig but its a Baptiste copy of the ā€œ4 hits then empowermentā€ and a tonys ā€œbarrierā€

Having played with joystick for a while before, if you play it for some time and get used to how casting abilities goes itā€™s not gonna be that hard as you may think to land those nails.

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Guess whoā€™s a god :slight_smile:

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ok so if enemy hit that lazer wall, itā€™s silenced and stunned. But if hit anything else, just a stun.
thatā€™s what Iā€™m seeing here.

@Saint7502 this thread.
@hazeleyes can you merge the two threads about Silvernail?

I thought this was some fan hero lol so I never paid attention to this thread.

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His ult just got posted several minutes ago
Edit:here it is