PROJECT 2019 Event

Looks like most (? all) of them will be available in the store tomorrow! Can’t wait! (My Riot Points are ready!)




Congrats! :)))
Lovely lovely :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Oohhh fancy :eyes:

Keep it up Hazel!

Thanks, dudes! (@cha0z too!)

One thing I really like about League is the constant feeling of progression – the number of things I’m working toward makes me want to keep playing the game regularly:

  • xp level (and the cool icon borders that go with it!)
  • honor level (I’m dying to get one of those cool symbols on my loading screen)
  • overall mastery level (again, very cool to see those big numbers on the loading screen – mine will have that someday too!)
  • individual hero mastery (more bling for the loading screen as well as my collection page!)

And that list doesn’t include the event progression systems, daily missions, blue and orange essence, and Hextech crafting materials!

When I really think about it, the reason I stopped playing VG wasn’t the bugs or the long queues … it was simply the fact that it didn’t feel like I was going anywhere in the game … even raising the level cap (as tiny a thing as that was) was done wrong, because it takes soooooo long to move up a level in VG. In League, I can manage a couple levels a week!


Then comes the gameplay, the quality, the skins, the hero diversity, the higher skill cap, modes, player base, constant development and around over 9000 more things. Can’t compare the two, this is the truth + you spend your money on the right place. I spend over 700$ on VG… the only ftp game I spend a dime on. When I think about it how much time I put into VG, if I did the same into LOL and spend the money there… I was going to have a lot better experience (atleast after 3vs3 was destroyed with 5vs5 changes and then 5vs5 release) and justify the spend.

What is done is done, I really was thinking VG will continue into the right direction (most of the money was spend before the first patch towards 5vs5 that already reduced the fun in 3vs3). Atleast I had fun time back then in it.


Yah, I don’t know quite how much I spent on VG, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was around what you did. I don’t think I spent anything after 5v5 came out, because I really disliked the mode and because it ruined 3v3.

But prior to that, I had a bunch of great skins (including all the LEs except PS Petal) and had a blast playing with my kids and my friends in my guild.

This :point_up:

League is just such a deep and rich experience … I really love it.


Just played a quick coop vs AI match and ended up with 1 other human (who AFK’d during the match) and 8 bots … took a while, but all was well in the end :laughing:

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I’m so easy … rip my wallet :man_facepalming:


First match with Ahri in a while … I think I’m getting the hang of this game! (It’s another coop vs AI, I realize, but still … all the practice seems to be paying off!)

Also … Elderwood Ahri is awesome in-game!


Man all this cool stuff in League makes me want to play it… but I totally don’t have the keyboard/mouse coordination for PC games. League for touch would be :easter_happy_3::kraken_happy_t3::minions_happy_t3::opaf::spring_happy_3::sunny_happy_3: but I can only dream :bacon_tears:


One reason I didn’t play League much for a long time was that I wasn’t very good with the mouse/kb controls – I was very used to VG’s touch controls, and I was also used to using the virtual joysticks for AoV and ML. But I wanted to play League, like you do, because of all the cool stuff in it!

So about 6 weeks ago, I finally got serious about it – I started playing regularly, and I got much better at the controls. (Though even now, I still sometimes launch a skill shot in the wrong direction when the battle gets hairy!) And fwiw, my kids adapted MUCH faster than I did – and they don’t play nearly as much as I do.

I think it’s all just practice and muscle memory, just like it is with anything you want to get good at.

I’d give it a try – the game is free, after all. Feel free to add me if you want to play together!


TBH money, but you really receive polished high quality content for them.

@thace I was in that situation too after few years off PC MOBAs. I am still adapting to get used again to use kb+mouse and to use the mouse to move the camera around (it’s summer, so I didn’t play that much sadly). Too many years VG haha. Saying that, the experience with the original DOTA and LOL (back in the days when launched) + the years of PC gaming surely helps to relearn quicker.

My advice is to stick with it, you will defo feel really “uh” the first few weeks of daily play, but I assure you that you will get better and to the point where you “don’t think about it at all” and just enjoy the game. And the game got a lot going on in it… seriously, it’s polished high quality product in every possible regard + if you spend money there, you will really receive highly polished and with attention to detail content. The gameplay itself is top notch, you can’t compare it with VG 5vs5 (3vs3 was unique and imho the perfect balance between hardcore/casual for mobile) - a lot more depth and whatnot.

Yes, you need to put some work for the controls. Yes, you need to put some work with the heroes/items to play better (I am sure we all can agree that you will have a lot better success going vs X hero when you know his abilities and strengths/weaknesses vs when you see that hero for the first few time and never played it/read his abilities or saw them ingame). It’s more to learn as the game offers a lot more, but it’s not throwing you into the deep - there are so many modes, good matchmaking even at the lower tiers, coop vs AI and whatnot to have fun while you learn the basics + a lot of friendly people you will see. Yeah, negative and rude players are everywhere, but tbh percentage wise the troll/salty stuff in LOL is a lot lesser than it is in VG right now.



Soooooo cloooooooose!!! (I bought a bunch of tokens yesterday, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to make it to 2000 at my current rate of token accumulation. Rip my wallet … but on the plus side, I DIDN’T KNOW THAT YOU COULD GET SHARDS FOR SKINS THAT ARE NO LONGER AVAILABLE :star_struck: I got some good ones in the event orbs!)

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I usually play Kai’Sa in top, but someone took it, so I went bot with Sona … good call on my part! I had at least 6 or 7 kills before I ever went back to shop!

Super fun match … plus, Sona was using her DJ skin, which lets you listen to some cool tunes while you’re playing!

Gonna try some PvP with Kai’Sa this weekend! (When I play PvP, I usually play Neeko, but I think I’m pretty good with Kai’Sa now.)

I wish i had a pc ;;;;;_; also when is the scarecrow (i have no idea hwat his name is. all i can think of is spud from bob the builder)rework?

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Last time they said anything, Fiddle sticks has left the idea process and had entered the kit design process. Volibear is a little late so hes still in the idea process since they’re working on Fiddle first.


What @RiseChu said … and here’s a link to the latest update:


the breakdown is really cool
Vaingloire do that w h e n ?
I really love the thin legs in his designs it is very cool I hope they finalise one soon


I think the reason why they havent reworked anything is because thats a loss of being a new hero.

Lets say Petal gets a complete rework, first of all the, lose out on some profit since alot of the playerbase owns her and that takes away the time to make a new hero.

But this is all assumptions :potoo:

Do I agree with them not reworking a hero? No but atleast they do small reworks to them. (Ex: Saw B change)