Patch 3.10 sneak peek

So if i am not mistaken 3v3 and 5v5 are gonna have seperate balancing, also yet again lots of changes balancing wise regarding 5v5.


5v5 has so many issues that unless there are some foundational changes, I’m sticking with 3v3 modes. I agree that it sounds like there may FINALLY be separate stats for 3v3 and 5v5 … that’s encouraging.


well he said “meta changes” which I think only include stuff like gold/objectives/general things and not hero balancing.

Yup probably same as last update

3v3 META

  • Bounty increase per farm
    • 0 → 5
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Hmm. That’s a possible interpretation also. And it would be unfortunate if correct.

Yup but sadly I feel like that’s more likely given Excoundrel’s word choice


The funny thing about what he said is that he said the same :poop: about 3.9 patch notes :potoo:


They promised a separate 3v3 hero balance changes In the summer/autumn and the target was 3.9 , so they could push it to 3.10 , I hope it is 3.10 .

You know the update number hidden meaning , 3 10 , 3s 10/10 .

Excoundrel is a pretty heavy booster of SEMC. It’s not surprising they’d give him an advance look, anticipating some positive hype for the upcoming changes.


Oh holy schnikes, what the heck did you do there, Discourse?! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


This is LEGIT so glorious :celestelove:

Potoo my lord and savior :heart:

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An extremely unhelpful — and untrue — comment.


How often do you get good teammates I doubt it’s often 1 in 20?

I mean, let’s all have cautious optimism. This patch didn’t pan out as I hoped it would have. I liked the UI changes and some of the new skins. Otherwise, rough. I remain hopeful they will figure it out.

What? I mostly play 5v5 ranked often quite late and generally get quite competent players from tiers 9-10. As a top lane main I have only fought one incompetent bot lane duo this patch I was able to bully, the rest of been competent and understood how to pressure and rotate.

I’d say the vast majority of my teammates in tier 10 I consider good, and the ones that aren’t tend to be the odd tier 9 bronze you get every couple of games or so.

Believe it or not but the players I find in ARAL is 1000% times better (toxicity wise) than the players I find in the regular modes. You should try Aral! :vgcharms:

Besides the fact that imo aral is so much fun-ner than 3v3 and 5v5


I agree completely. I play ARAL about 90% of the time, nowadays.

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Ah, c’mon that’s what they say with every patch since game got ruined by 5v5 and lots of other crap things I don’t even want to start mentioning. Yet every update is worse than the previous one.

Ever since Nivmett left they come with “muh, big meta changes so excited blah blah” and in the end it’s just your usual Zekent and Sonata doing random changes and breaking the game for the sake of biased balancing and the new hero in turn having to be broken.

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Am I the only one that never sees the meta change as they say? Midlane doesn’t change at all other than the heroes being played there (from Samuel -Malene to Celeste-skaarf), bot lane changed… to give it more power pushing? Other than that the only thing they’ve done there is limiting the heroes being used (hi kinetic and Silvernail, bye the rest). Jungle has been a second bot laner for how many patches already? 4? 5? Nothing changes lol. Almost always being utility jungle. And then we have top, which has changed… nothing at all, it’s always in a 2v1 situation and it’s always an utility hero but reza and sometimes Anka, what’s has changed? The main changes I see is Ardan buying offensive, the rest still buy utility. “The meta changes each update it’s very hard to keep up” said people, what changes?? I don’t see them, except balancing being worse each update.


“it’s own identity” , I really think the opposite and that they will separate the game modes. This should improve things massively as (now proven) you can’t really balance a hero/item for two different maps and number of players. Maybe not instantly, but will time a separate balancing can lead to superior balance.

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Mid lane doesn’t have to change its the only lane with a laning phase, tbh unless the completely remove ambient gold and add an item like old iron guard contract the side lane metas won’t change. I got a feeling they might just well do that cause they’ve literally tried everything at this point and they 've said that the meta should stabilize by 4.0