No More Sunlight in Bot Matches

click the event icon and check (super sale)
i have rare celeste , so they are showing epic celeste blueprint (899 ice) legendary (1949)
while skins prices in market are (1199) and (2599)

just little ice and you get the skin , why bother buying the blueprint

this is weird , you already making essence hard to get and buying skin is like buying blueprint and essence together , its always worth it over any blueprint !

Oh, I gotcha … I guess I don’t see the specifics bc I already have all those:

Btw, I guess charms must not be selling too well, since they’ve already started dropping the prices … (anyone surprised?)


well charms i guess are ok and they probably going to release more of them and maybe special dances !

but on blueprint selling is against the whole idea of changing the system , they are against targeting a specific skin , so you get random essence drops and a random blueprints , so the only way was buying that specific skin , selling blueprints is a way to target a skin but in a greedy way in my opinion , like i would say ok to a blurprint chest for celeste drop all her blueprints for a reasonable price , but they not going to do it because it ruins their skin reworked system plan , but they are now ruining it with direct purchase for a blueprint .

SEMC are nothing if not inconsistent. :koshkaeyeroll:


Before or after the first week*

Dude what you mean? Early Access is still active. The update was on the 8th, the early access to characters last 14 days, so the 22nd is when he’ll be able to be bought with glory. I got Silvernail the first day he came out from rare chest.

Do you also get duplicate heroes or was silvernail the first and only hero you got from chests?

First week, like two days after he was released. I got him from the Rare Chest after getting the Rare Key duplicates so many times… Was planning on using my BattlePass to get him, but o well…

Well then i must have recalled wrongly, but they definitely changed it somewhere between kensei-anka update so that chests dont drop only unowned heroes first before giving duplicates.

I guess now rare chests for this update onwards have a 0.358% and reducing chance of getting early access heroes if you already own all heroes yay.

I got two charms worth 400 ice each in a quest chest…

I can’t use or buy taunts though…

Buying taunts? But taunts=charms? Have you equipped the charm in your inventory?

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I did equip them but it didn’t register the first game afterwards.

Had to reboot the app before It registered and wasn’t greyed out…

quest chest ? how ?
what i know is they have high drop chance in the silver chest with keys and golden chest
i dont think quest chest drop them ! , do you play a lot right now , are they like blueprints drop chance ?

The battle pass reward granted me Silvernail.

Sorry that the response is two weeks later, but this thread was bumped and I just saw it.

I got two charms, the golden poop and broken heart, from quest chests. The golden poop I got the day charms were released and I didn’t even know what it was because I was coming back from a break.

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