New Hero teased for 3.9 (Yes, he's a mage)

I feel like you’ve got some underlying beef with the fantasy genre lol


Lmao… you are not exactly wrong though :upside_down_face:


Hes not a support from the looks of the leak that shinkaigin did on accident. He was in the carry section of the hero selection page.

but so was inara and anka was in the jungle section i am pretty sure

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Both can be played in the jungle. So there wasn’t really a dramatic change with their position change.

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Do you think he an ice mage I’m tired of arcane mages

No, he is confirmed to be arcane mage

lyra is the only current arcane mage isnt she?

Varya is practically the embodiment of arcane magic since she came out of Lyras book (not exactly lyras book but another ambrosius) which holds arcane spells and magic.

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Varya is nothing but a cheap knock off. :slight_smile:

Yet she still kills Lyra. Rip Lyra.

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Why should I prove myself to the likes of you?


I hope he’s not another “mage” who has CP ratio in his basic attack. Hope he has an actual, interesting Perk and not a Lyra/Varya knockoff.

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:skull: DID YOU… just create a acc to me?

I’m pretty sure all magic is arcane magic in vainglory. It isn’t a common thing.

Samuel and Celeste would like a word with you…

Samuel and Celeste’s magic isn’t common, aren’t they both mageborn?

Yes but I was saying that their magic isnt arcane.

They all have accounts, check the VG heroes group. I’ve had Samuel and Inara reply to me before, some of them are quite sassy lol

Well what defines arcane magic in vainglory? Arcane magic to my knowledge is just secret magic that most don’t know about or magic in general is considered arcane. I thought it was the later in Vainglory because mageborn are generally captured by the queen, texts of magic are hidden, and magic exclusive to a specious (like seraphim or Elder Dragons) is arcane because humans really don’t know much about it. What does sugarvenom say specifically about arcane magic because how I’ve been interpreting the lore it’s all arcane to me.