New Hero teased for 3.9 (Yes, he's a mage)

HIs kit has a lot of combos most of them being crazy flank bursts like A, B (AA till duration is gone) and then Ult. I don’t think people like the one-dimensional aspect to his kit. There is no interesting way to use his A besides dashing, no interesting way to use his B, and an okay Ult which has opportunities. It’s just that they could have done more.

I wish his Ult was like a grappling hook with his tongue and then he proceeds to eat. This would allow more bodyblocking options and such but at the same time be deadly because he can use his A immediately.

Stop saying the truth, you might upset the knights :mask:

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Lol, not too many of those here :wink:


i like his crown it looks like a headband but doesnt actually keep the hair out of his face.

Didn’t even notice til you mentioned it. The crown is now the one thing I don’t like about his design.

It’s one thing to think his kit is boring, which I personally don’t agree with, and another to say his abilities are randomly placed and have no point to be in the same kit. His A is one of the most fun abilities in the game though which makes it really fun to use. It has extremely long range for a free direction dash.

Actually when i first saw his abilities the first time i though was “this Hero is rushed af”, i still think that. For me, idk why, his abilities are randomly put together.

How so though? They make more sense together than many other heroes.

Petal called.
She said she wanted her kit to be more focused instead of being split between a cp and wp kit.

Because other than his ult i see no identity for him.

What’s that supposed to mean? What should he do for A and B? He can’t have 3 eats.

I mean that when chosing heroes, i dont see in what situation should he be used other than when he is op. What is he sopposed to do? Who is he supposed to counter? Things like that, idk if you understand me. Its hard to explain.

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I mean at this point in VG classes don’t really counter classes. It’s just based on single picks and counters. It’s not like he counters for example mages but loses to ADCs. It’s all singular cases. But I thought you’re talking about his abilities design not gameplay.

I wasnt talking about classes. I was talking about his abilities, being that a result of them. Thats an example of what i meant by “i dont see his identity”. I dont know how to explain It correctly.

Basically LYRA 2.0…

He might be my 3rd favourite character in the game after Malene… hmm

If he was both he would be classified as support, like Adagio and Lyra, but according to the image ShinKaigan showed, he is classified as a carry, so I doubt he will be half support, and honestly I would prefer him to be pure carry.

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baptiste/glaive support was a thing so it still could be.
Although I think its just another generic mage.

But that was only during a short period of time, not designed as that like lorelai, Lyra or adagio.

Princes are usually big damage dealers in any RPG. I doubt he will be a support.

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Well prince can also be a support if he is looking out for others like a real prince would do

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