New Hero Hints

Wow, Frankie looks much different from when we last saw him

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there is belief that it is Frankie’s cousin. skieblu posted a thread on reddit about it. His cousin is mentioned in the lore but without a name so it could be him. Except in the lore Frankie’s cousin is dead. freeze dried after frankie’s first time-travel attempt. this could be the mistake he is trying to fix. I do not believe that it will be frankie

The model was leaked ages ago. They changed him from bearded dwarf to this…

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Maybe they didn’t have a name for his cousin yet so it was called frankie. That could be the reason he was not named in the lore.

I think this gonna be new Ardan skin. He looks younger and handsome.

Or he is a new hero? With his mechanical arms…

Ardan already has 5 skins, don’t think they’ll give more skins to him now cause there are other heroes who don’t even have any skins.

It’s definitely a new hero.

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Its possible this the new hero skin like what varya had

Your opinion in this is wrong. Opinions can’t be wrong. But we have proof that this is a new hero through ancient leaks in 2017…

Possible yes however in the leaks this is the base model…

he has not been mentioned in any of the previous lore. Excoundrel with his false hopes :angry:

Listened in on Sugarvenom’s choose your own adventure. The hero’s name is Tony, he is a dwarf, and has power puncher gloves. Heard he’s a really nice guy. May have a soft spot in his heart for minions rights and onionation. 5 people who won him from the discord chat. I’ll admit to being a bit jealous. Looking forward to seeing what this guy can do on the Rise!

He might be one of those dwarves from the Varya lore