New Battle Royale event unfair?

I’m with you there - this time around, it’s a pretty good deal. But I just realized what is happening: They’re testing the system (i.e. trade in currency to participate in an event).

Before you know it, the requirement is going to be changed to premium currencies. Maybe Opals, at first, but eventually they want ICE. I’d bet my hat on it.
Edit: And even that could end up being kinda cool, if it were used for community-run tournies. An entrance fee, and the first places get the payout. - But that’s not what it’s going to be like.


I really hope they don’t actually make in-game events ICE exclusive. Glory and Opals are fine because they’re pretty useless for a ton of players, but ICE would kinda be taking it too far for rewards that may not be worth it and possibly be based on RNG if they’re events like this one or the CNY one. Additionally, it might hurt SEMC’s image more, especially after some of their recent marketing decisions (especially those regarding the Golden Ticket) that were highly criticized by the community.

@Wali I really don’t think SMEC is that dumb to not realize that the player base is that dumb to think the decision is not dumb. If they ever use ice as an event register fee(excluding small deals), there sure will be a lot of rants and boycotts. So you probably don’t need to worry about it.

A year ago, I would have been with you. Now? Not so sure…

I’m not sure how long you’ve been playing, but I’ve been around long enough to have unlocked 121 of the 135 skins. I can use glory to buy or unlock talents. I can use essence to … sit around and do nothing? Of course, if I happen to get a blueprint for a skin I don’t have (mostly legendaries and epics), then sure, I will need essence … but until now (since this new system took effect), that hasn’t happened even once. I’ve gotten close to 10,000 essence just from duplicate blueprints, so I don’t see essence as more valuable than glory at this point.


If that happens we are all abandoning the ship

You are right. SEMC requires us to sacrifice our glory. They dont need it. Next time they want our opals or ice or even our money. For example you can join a community tournament if you buy a bundle for real money. And I guess in the future there will be some exclusive reward for players joined ALL the tournaments. I dont need any essence, glory is more important for me but I feel if I dodge this tournament I will miss some nice future reward.

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If you think about it, they wanted our money last time already. Sure, there was free stuff for everyone - but only people who made recent purchases got the “bonus”, which was worth like 10x or something?

Again, this assumes that people are going to join the popular team and…just not play? Yes it’s going to happen to some degree, but it’s going to happen on both teams anyway. It’s also a weird assumption that people aren’t going to take turrets when taking turrets is all you can do to win Battle Royale.

Though I do agree with you and @Wali if you’re dealing with players joining the popular team at the last minute. In that case, they would bring down the popular team’s average, but I don’t think it would be enough to offset the snowball effect of simply having more players destroying more turrets from the get-go.

It’s still somewhat luck but only if players don’t keep playing or join a team just to get a reward, and of the two, the former is going to be a disadvantage for both teams, while the latter will also, but it will have an impact on the popular team more, that i agree with.

As for charging ICE for in game events, I do not think SEMC would enjoy that backlash, though it is something they could monetize. I can see where @Wali would get the notion though, especially after the supporter event. I don’t even get the point of charging glory. It doesn’t make much sense at all. I do think the idea of different rewards for supporters is something that could be a good idea long term though.

@Tundras21 For many players Talents are meaningless and there is no longer a Glory sink like Glory Boxes. This gives them a currency sink and gets players involved. I basically took 6 months off of playing and I’m only missing 35 BPs and have 50k Essence with 77 skins unlocked. The barrier for crafting isn’t Glory but Essence and BPs.

@Wali I could see this trending to ICE as an entrance fee for tournaments, but it’s a bad idea. SEMC needs to provide more content for whales and older players. Releasing 3 skins per patch means they only drop 1 skin/hero/year on average. They need to drop 5/patch minimum. They need enough content per month to get $50 out of collectors.

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Ikr. We wanted skin system change, they got a shitter one where we cant get the skin we want. We wanted events, they get events like cny where people get more points for spending ice. They get an event where players are rewarded for buying ice. And the rewards were like day and night. 300 glory vs blueprint chest, 500 glory vs rare mystery key. like wtf. I m starting to not like the game now.


I bought $1 of ICE and got both the free rewards and the ICE rewards. If you didn’t have those two skins, then the daily login rewards were quite nice as they included 2 BPs and Essence. Shouldn’t people who fund the game get some benefit?

They should but the problem is the total of 800 glory given is only 1/8th of the average hero. If you are trying to push 3.1’s newest feature you’d want as many as possible to get to 14 heros otherwise 3.1 could have waited at least a month to allow the bugs to be smoothed out.

They sortof get the benefits they decided to shell out money for in the first place.

Don’t get me wrong - I’m all for giving people who support the game incentives. It’s more that making it a factor in events and such is a slap in the face of people who don’t get included.

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I don’t mind the incentive in events like halycon days, unless the free rewards are meaningless things like 800 glory total. It takes 8k to get a hero hard fought first win 3v3 ranked matches give me 98 glory meaning if it takes 82 games minimum to get a hero without any chests/quests. That also makes it over a full day of no sleep and minimum wait time to get a hero

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Forget about unfairness the event itself is stupid as hell because you cant get anything good from it


Patel > kestroll
He’s the best hero ever made by smec

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Second this
The prize for the winner is full of OR words

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30 freakimg chars for godsake.