Yeah, but with the average turrets per player being used to determine the result, it’s not what people would expect.
Smart players will join the least popular team, as @Gatorrex mentioned, because that is where they will have the most impact. The question is whether VG has enough smart players for that to matter.
As an added bonus in randomness, Solo-Queue players don’t know what side of the event their team-mates are on. If you are team Kestrel, and play with two people from team Ringo, then destroying 5 turrets means a net-negative event score.
So the only way to have any real influence is to join the smallest event team, and always play at least in a 2-man-party with someone who is also on your team.
But even so… the chances are probably still pretty close to 25%.
I don’t think impact matters in this case. More players on a team equates pretty directly to more turrets being destroyed for that team, which equals more average turrets for that team, unless I’m missing something about the event. I don’t see where the unpopular team has any advantage here, as it’s not like the team matters as much as destroying turrets, but the team with more turrets per average player wins, making it automatically more likely the team with more players will have a better average.
Yes, there is some chance that the smaller team will have a better average per player, but that mainly only matters if the popular team isn’t playing or doing well, which is an assumption of something that is not an incentivized practice in the game. While it might have an impact on the popular team, it’s not particularly likely to, making the chance that the popular team will win higher, therefore making it a better bet to contribute turret count to the team with more players capable of destroying more turrets.
The only reason I might meet you on your theory in this case is that it’s battle royale, meaning even if the team is a popular pick, player retention for that team might fall in favor of other game modes, which is a likely outcome. In that case, it might be smarter to join the smaller team, but again, that’s a non-incentivized response that also applies to either team regardless, and so it still isn’t a better bet.
Average per player would just equates to participation of battle royal, nothing else would matter.
It just counts turrets total, divided by number of players in the team.
Alot of random statistics come into play here… How often BR is played during the event by active players vs inactive players who just joined for fun.
So a smaller team vs a bigger team isn’t the deciding factor in determining which is more likely to have a higher participation rate.
But discussion with active player base, like this forum, could possibly make the results biased.
But since we’re not in agreeance on the team to join, it won’t matter in the end.
I still don’t get it. Yes, more players will destroy more turrets. But in order to determine the average, you divide the number of turrets by the number of players.
So whether 1 player destroys 5 turrets, or whether 10 players destroy 50 turrets - the average per player is exactly the same.
True, but that assumes more players won’t do well. Again, an un-incentizived practice. I’m not saying the idea of joining the smaller team doesn’t have merit, but it’s not immediately plausible to assume that just because there are more players on a popular team, that that means there will be a less chance of a better average, considering the metric is destroying turrets, which will likely happen anyway.
This would be another random statistic to add - number of high tier pro’s vs low tier per team… But I think if match maker is doing it’s job, the average would be likely the same per player, the more BR contribution games each player plays.
Also, as Wali pointed out, solo queue randomness will most likely match you with other teams, making it another factor you just can’t calculate.
Even if you plan to play tons of BR, it’ll have to be in a team, to make a difference.
It’s 500 Glory for at least 300 Essence. On average, players are paying 500 Glory for 612.5 Essence. That is half of what you need to craft a rare skin. You have a 1/4 chance of 1000 Essence and a BP. There is nothing unfair about the contest. GLHF!!!
how is it unfair? Its really fair cos it says avg turret per person. So if people join kestrel and dont take turrets, youre basically making team kestrel lose. So you cant just blindly join kestrel and expect to win. Tbh kestel has the least chance to win.
Honestly this event is a joke. 500 glory to win essence . SEMC isn’t selling enough skin chest so they decided instead of rethinking their model let’s create a event to give them essence which is useless without skins. “Hmm how much should they have to spend to get this chance idk over 5 games of first win and hard fought”
Agreed. This event is a joke. When I saw the “prizes” I thought “wow, even if I get first place, that probably won’t do anything for me.” Then I saw that I have to pay 500 glory. What a joke. Hopefully there’s an opt-out button?
@Satanicsoldier Just don’t choose a team and you don’t lose the Glory. For many players, Glory is a meaningless currency. SEMC is letting you trade a low value currency for a higher value currency and all you have to do is press a button.
Funny thing is, say if there is only one player in team ringo. The average kill would just be his total turrets destroyed.
Team with the largest amount of ppl may not be a good thing, there sure are ppl who will not destroy any turrets during the event, then it would dramatically pull down the average. It’s basically luck. Nothing you can do about.