My idea to include Talents in the 5v5 gamemode

This is a very good explanation from @VideoVillain regarding what’s going on in situations like this.

Wait an iphone x running a non last milestone update is having problems. Somebody quickly blame semc

Sidenote ios is incredibly unreliable until the last update in the version. Even the last version has bugs that degrade the experience of the user

Are you serious? Do you actually have an iOS device?

How does that help me though? It’s still game breaking and the clip I showed there weren’t any abilities used to “confuse” client and server or whatever. It just happened.

Okay… I don’t know if you are serious but okay. I gave it as an example because I don’t know what every streamer uses (and I can’t give you an example if it’s not on stream so don’t ask me why I’m talking only about streamers). My point was new devices, with new and best hardware have the same issues how is it processor issue? That happens to all devices iOS or Android.

Currently no i gave up on the unreliability of apple a long time ago honestly if there was a better option i wouldn’t use android either. Whenever apple releases a new os it is riddled with bugs that were even present in beta releasesand it usually takes them to the last update to finally find most.

Just because it is new and shiny does not mean it is fault proof. I am not saying it is your phone’s hardware or software exactly causing it but a combo of vainglory user side client, phone hardware and software.

I don’t have a new device… I’m saying if EVERY device has that. Does it mean it’s EVERY device’s fault and not VG? You seem to defend SEMC for literally everything no matter if they are right or wrong.

I currently have 14 iOS devices in use at my house, and “unreliable” is the last word I’d EVER use to describe an Apple product. “Riddled with bugs” is ridiculous hyperbole. Any complex software has its share of bugs, and iOS is a pretty damn complex piece of software. (Actually, it’s many, many pieces functioning as a whole, but you get my point, I hope.)

Apple have their issues, but reliability isn’t one of them.


I am a die-hard android fan, but I even admit to apple being more reliable. less bugs and less viral attacks.

also a delight to use, being very user friendly. I honestly don’t know why i’m still a android fan.

Maybe because in terms of gaming, android is continually improving ways and far beyond apple. but apple is in front for everything else. everyday tasks, office, media, sharing, music is just much better with apple.

You obviously haven’t listened to music on a device running lineage is formally CyanogenMod

well, quality can be debated, but apple has so many software advances that a complete newbie can be a pro DJ mixer easily.
I know many DJ’s who have made a living just remixing in advanced. it is also the device of choice for many superstar artists, for recording.

Thats a server mismatch issue and yes is caused by lag and occurs in any game mode - its basically your device accepting input which doesn’t make it to the server, when it catches up its reset to server state.

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Close this thread and create another thread please because this conversation has strayed too far. Thank you.

Okay but really how does knowing that help me in any way? It’s still there very frequently and still very big impact.

Well it means you can try some options to fix that such as trying different isps, or routing etc. But yeah mostly it doesn’t help.

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