More Kensei Discussion - OP or No?

You both don’t make sense to me , like if you read the topic from the start I was the one saying Kensei can be countered and you both jumped and said no even if they try they can’t , you are the one saying he is op because you need certain heroes to counter him but at the same you say he is not op and can be countered with heroes banned or not played in 5v5 , then you say he can be played in 3v3 while Skye counter him .

If someone read the topic from the start to the end going to notice how you both have two opinions on Kensei , the discussion is starting to be a one trick Kensei defending the hero no matter if it’s fair or not .

No, you were saying that people banned him because they don’t know how to deal with him, and we showed you that was false. Then you started saying he was so OP that could 1v3 with only 2 offensive and that he was unstoppable and nothing could counter him, and then we provided arguments saying that he was not OP, so our point is that people ban him because he is strong, and not because he is like Reim, Krul or SAW (as you claimed he was) but he is not OP, which’s what you were saying.

The discussion is that Kensei is strong but not OP, and I’m not onetrick Kensei. You were claiming that Kensei could do things that neither Brokenfeather has ever been able to do.

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I think you missed some parts of the conversation.

Please, read before commenting.

A hero having a counter doesn’t make it unplayable.

I think you are the one changing the opinion, you say Skye destroys kensei as well as Skye is weak against him.

Please, before commenting, read the conversation, putting words in our mouths that we haven’t said is not a good way to discuss.

This is, as I said earlier, a non sense conversation, because of that, @hazeleyes @Moose @HipsterSkaarf, can any of you move the (10 last comments) non sense comments to another thread only showed to use 3 (hazeleyes did that once) to not break the Kensei tips so it’s still a relevant thread for those wanting to learn him instead of becoming another bickering thread?
@hazeleyes sorry for the quotes, but this time I didn’t know how to answer without them, this was an exception, I’ve reduced a lot my usage of quotes :slight_smile:

Tbh, I think I need to move a lot more than just 10 of them … :confused:

I’ve been trying to follow this and have gotten completely confused as well. Let me know if I accidentally move too many out of this thread and I’ll move them back.

Okey, I said 10 as an example, I don’t know how many non useful comments are there. Didn’t expected an answer so fast.

Edit: there is one more LegendaryE just posted. Also, I think you moved the correct ones.

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I see all.


Another one appeared :confused:

The old thread looks so much better now :slight_smile:

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Read your comments Iam not talking about new ones , you both made Kensei look op not me .

In which part? We only said that there is not a manual on how to deal with Kensei, not that he is OP

Guys, there is no point on keep discussing, so why don’t we just end here this discussion?

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Read them all , I have no idea what is op or not after reading your comments , like I admit that I defended reim in his broken patch even with everyone saying he is broken , even in his broken patch you can kill him if you just do not make him generate fortified health but everyone asked for a fix and he was banned every game I didn’t even play him that much .

I don’t see Kensei every game and I would probably see bad kensei in my games , but calling Kensei a not op hero because it was a vg gold against vg bronze is bad argument , a hero can carry by himself a whole team is bad especially if you talking in high tiers , so this could be bad for the lower tiers if people start playing him in that lvl , it’s the same way for Skye when she got nerfed , you can’t have a hero has the potential to counter most of the heroes , it’s bad and unhealthy for the game .

And when I mentioned that he banned in hellsdevil game it’s because hellsdevil said that not me , he said people don’t know how Handel Kensei , you giving him stacks and I agree on that I prefer to poke Kensei or bait him to a bad engage instead of fighting him and giving stacks .

We don’t have the API but I would like to see games against Kensei and how they ended , Iam sure Kensei got low win rate because low tiers play him bad and he die fast when he played bad .

There you go again, presenting your opinions as established facts – a habit that I’ve warned you about repeatedly. On top of that, you have contradicted yourself several times in your posts, and that’s making it very hard for anyone to understand what you’re trying to say.

I strongly suggest you follow the hints above and just end this conversation – it got moved out of the main Kensei thread because it wasn’t very useful, and now it’s degenerating into something even LESS useful.


No, Kensei is not OP for many reasons, what I said it’s that your argument is that Kensei is OP because a VG gold defeated VG bronce, and THAT’S not an argument.

Kensei can not carry by himself a whole team and can’t counter everyone, you exaggerated his strength.

End of discussion.

anything you say to me it’s also pointed to them , he knows exactly the difference between Skye 3v3 and Skye 5v5 but he tried to mix them to make me look bad , we do discuss heroes here all the time and we talk about their mode and the main mode is 5v5 , so even if Kensei is op in 3v3 it doesn’t matter for the Devs .

And there is no facts , I have no idea why you calling opinion fact , Iam not a dev or a pro player to give facts about the game , if I say Iam sure blah blah it’s my opinion .

Why do you keep arguing? There is no point on doing so…

The discussion ended its just mixing things and making me saying opposite things is bad , and I showed that you did that not me .

What what… you just…


And a lot of comments disappeared!!! :scream:

I know what happened, but I need to do the joke :sweat_smile:

I’m closing this topic, because if I let you continue responding, I have the feeling that it won’t end well.