More Kensei Discussion - OP or No?

You just said it a Melee diving hero , stun or silence and he is dead , and I agree with @coltonJW that if you going to think about a certain hero then they are op , like we know baron strong but he needs items , Kensei with 2 items and infusion can 1v3 and this is a problem especially if your team has no cc it’s rip Kensei wins , you said other heroes the same cc counter them but other heroes damage counter them , Kensei out damage and tank the damage , he dives turrets it’s insane , cc very important to counter him or banned him .

Kensei with 2 objects CAN’T 1v3, if a Kensei is doing that to you, then is your fault because you are making a lot of mistakes lol.

It’s impossible to not have a time when any source of CC, but even if that happens, there are some heroes that just defeat him by pure damage.

I roam and jungle most of the time so Melee heroes are what i play and I understand how diving is hard in the game that’s why they buff assassins , but the problem with Kensei is he has the ability to dive in and kill everyone and get out , it’s not one or two , like if he go in and kill one then run I would say ok , but he has the ability to kill the carry and fight Melee heroes casually and win , so technically when you support Kensei you are against playing Melee heroes because he counters all of them , if you close to him you giving him a favor on killing you if you far from him he is coming for you .

Kensei is not so strong, most times is because the enemy laner , trying to scape from Kensei, just get isolated from his team. He is supposed to counter heavy heroes, so he counters bruisers, but assassins can out great work against him.

Just watch interactionnn stream in twitch , you can ask him to play Kensei in chat , he destroy everything even the heroes @VaKTaBi mentioned or watch the vods he sometimes play him 3 times in a row .

He is better than the opponent, and those matches are not in 1v1 (the heroes I said were in 1v1). Don’t get me wrong, but a VG gold against VG bronce doesn’t seem fair. Anyone can defeat any hero with such a big skill difference.

It doesn’t matter his mobility and outplay potential make the heroes you mentioned weak against him , I would say if the Kensei bad and the heroes mentioned good they win , I would say interactionnn is very good with Kensei but he throws like he is bored from winning with Kensei that he start to throw and dive a bad dive still kill and get killed , I think he only die if he throw or enemy got good vision and they kill him while he was far from his team and all of them have to focus him .

Weak? Have you tried Skye? Which heroes do you say are weak against Kensei? You are just saying Kensei is so OP when he really isn’t. He can’t defeat every single hero, and if you think that, then you are doing something wrong. And again, interactionN is way better than his opponents, so you can’t measure with that the strength of Kensei.

Am I misunderstanding something?

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It’s different , and Iam honestly not 100% sure if Skye can do it in 3v3 against a good Kensei , but Iam sure Kensei players avoid playing him inn3v3 because it is easy to outfarm him and focus him , my talk especially when I mentioned interactionnn is about Kensei 5v5 .

And? What happens in 5v5? Which heroes of those who I mentioned are weak against Kensei?

Kensei is top tier in 3v3. What I meant in my comment is that you said two opposite thing: one moment you say Skye destroys kensei and the next one that kensei laughs at Skye.

I know you understand what Iam saying but you trying to make me look bad , you know Skye is weak in 5v5 and no one playing her to counter Kensei but in 3v3 she is the queen , Kensei outplay potential make these heroes look weak against him , they aren’t weak by themselves against him , if the player using Kensei to full potential he can win .

Again, @Lebatron ask me about 1v1, and as I said to Sandiha, she works really well against Kensei, but she is unplayable in 5v5, 1 thing doesn’t negate the other.

Now, tell me which heroes I said that were strong against him but you say are weak.

Honestly I would like to see it , I want to see these heroes fighting Kensei 1v1 , we saying they have the ability to beat him , they have slight chance to beat him but can they do it , like if Iam imagining the fights I still see Kensei has the potential , but I’ll say definitely they can beat him with the help of a cc hero like 2v1 if they as skilled as Kensei , but to be honest Reza is one of banned list in 5v5 so only Malene left from your list in 5v5 .

Like when I watched interactionnn fighting a Skye he dashed avoided her forward barrage then with 3 basic attacks and dash finished her , the same for Malene he blocked her root and killed her , with Reza he just dash away from his ult or block it and Reza dead , it would be interesting seeing them fighting 1v1 .

Again he is way better, so is not equal skill, and if the Skye can’t keep the distance, then she is bad. I’ve fought Skye many times, and that only happens when the Skye makes mistakes.

Edit: I don’t say they are a secure win, because they aren’t, but those heroes has more chances to win Kensei than Kensei to win them. If Kensei is so broken, try tu use him so you can get a real idea of how strong is Kensei. Your main argument is a VG gold vs VG bronce who seems like if he wasn’t playing with a hero he has practice.

No, i don’t understand, not joking. You said to complete opposite thing, what do I have to understand?

But you said Skye destroys kensei.

For Skye: as if FB + boots didn’t exist. He can dash out of her A, but she has a speed boost in her passive and also boots, even then, when you try to dive her she can B out and use A, which you can no longer dodge. Kensei is not going to kill her with 3 AAs, and even if he could he first needs to enter the AA range, which a good Skye won’t allow.

For reza… you know reza has other things than just the C right? A+B+B and you’ve deleted 1/3 of his health and given no time for him to counter (1-2 attacks won’t be significant) then just wait for the dashes to come off cooldown (short cooldown). If he dives with his ult use yours.

This scenarios are funny, the way you showed them they were a useless opponent (only A Skye or only C reza?) vs a pro kensei, with that scenario I can prove every hero beats anyone.

About interactionn… well, then I can prove sawport is meta (L3oN used it and won in competitive against VG silver). Using a much better player against much worse ones is not a proof.

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I didn’t say Skye destroy Kensei , I said being the queen of 3v3 make Kensei players not wanting to play him there unless with a party because 3v3 has a good countering potential , I’ve seen Kensei getting destroyed by a Skye in 3v3 but it was 2v2 fight or Kensei didn’t get his items yet , like even in my 5v5 example with Kensei destroying Skye it’s could be Skye got bullied in lane and didn’t farm well , it’s not just because interactionnn better player , you giving a hero like Kensei bottom lane where he can farm against a tank top lane , easy farm , and giving the weapon buff and add to that an infusion , there is a difference between 3v3 and 5v5 , I think 5v5 giving him a lot of power .

So basically, because of being in 5v5 instead of 3v3 the 1v1 interactions change? Idk what to say other than it doesn’t make sense. Why are the 3v3 players not going to chose kensei when there is Skye? Because she counters him?

Again, you just contradict yourself. I’m going to end the discussion here, the conversation is starting to not make sense anymore.

So bascially Kensei needs a three man party to beat a soloQ skye, i think this has prove my point. If Skye is behind Kensei, then its her fault, not because Kensei is OP.

If you play tanks against Kensei, then you have no idea of countering, but even if you have to play them, ANY top laner can harass Kensei in early, if they are not doing so, they are just playing bad. People can preassure Baron… but not Kensei?
About 5v5 or 3v3, he is stronger in 3v3, not in 5v5.

Play Kensei, you will see his weakness and his strenghts, you cant just imagine possible situations by watching a VG gold playing against VG bronce. In some streamings you will see Auri3l and L3on against other pros, and there you can see how good he is. Why L3on play party matches? because he can fight against really good players, and that’s the best way to see Kensei since they are almost paired in skill.