Kensei: Builds, Playstyle, and Discussion

Try Skye, she works really well agains Kensei… in 1v1, because we all know that Skye in 5v5 sucks.

Skye is okay and she’s pretty good against kensei early to mid game, late game kensei still recks everything

Lategame Skye destroys Kensei, is in midgame when Kensei can beat Skye. At least in 3v3, but I’m talking about a 1v1 situations, so it shouldn’t matter in which map are you playing.

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What are your thoughts on Ylva’s kit mathing up vs Kensei? @VaKTaBi

I’m not saying Ylva beats Kensei, but I feel she’d be a viable pick against him.

She does only good agains Kensei if she can chain her CC with her team, in 1v1 Ylva just lacks of consistent damage, and Kensei can survive her burst, moreover, if Kensei blocks her ult she can’t do anything against him.

If you pick her with a good CC como sure, she is good against Kensei.

Yeah I’ve seen tony and YLVA giving Kensei hard time , I think tony with any burst damage hero can stop Kensei , and because of kensei playstyle when he mess up he runs so a lot of heroes can’t finish him , but I noticed kinetic and Caine are good at that , finishing disengaging enemies .

Like if they buff krul , reim and Rona , Kensei will drop to his assassin role , I don’t like heroes with the ability to hard carry teams , I used to hate Skye but being a meta in 3v3 is protecting the game mode from Kensei .

Krul, Reim and Rona has different uses, you can’t compare them. I don’t know why you hate so much Kensei, one of the few heroes who requieres skill…

Also, Kinetic and Cain fall against Kensei in 1v1, but if they are well protected Kensei can’t engage and kill them.

Iam not hating on Kensei , if they buff these heroes he can’t 1v1 everyone , Iam not saying kinetic and Cain 1v1 , Iam against 1v1 kensei or even 2v1 .

Funny, because the 3v3 meta IS Skye. In that sense I love Baron, so easy to kill Skye :slight_smile:

About rona, reim and krul, even when they are strong, kensei laughs at them late game. The chances of them beating him even 1v1 are -10.

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Kensei was, as BF, designed as a duelist, so he is meant to win most 1v1 duels. Krul can beat him in early, Reim is just weak thanks to the awesome balance Sonata and Zekent did, and Rona still win agains Kensei in early (Rona is an early game hero), so most of them is just knowing your strengths, I, personally, never had problems agains Kensei, I usually harass him in early with almost every hero so…

You are asking for deleting an entire hero designe, some heroes are designed for 1v1 and others for teamfights, what’s the point on playing Kensei if he can’t 1v1?

But he isn’t a “noob stomper”, he is not the kind of hero that is specifically strong against people who don’t know how to fight him. He is just another good late game scaling bot lane like Baron. The difference being that because he is melee he tends to be more snowball oriented, where if he gets ahead in lane he has the ability to run around menacing everyone.

His closest comparison is BF in 3v3, with a very high skill cap, and if played correctly very hard to deal with as he can run away with games. Every hero can be countered, certain heroes however can be “hard countered”. Reim, Krul, and Saw are great examples of this. The thing is Kensei is not one of these cases.

You seem to be defining countering him as putting huge priority on shutting him down and stunning him up in fights… but, that will destroy anyone. If a hero requires that level of focus throughout the game, it means the hero is over powered or at least very strong, and even if you pull that off, it will take pressure away from the rest of the map. Yes you should focus all late game carries early game, but throwing your entire teams draft, early, and late game teamfighting against one hero is not at all feasible or viable.

I don’t really think kensei is op, or needs a crazy level of focus personally. He’s a solid bot lane though, and it’s nice to see a viable melee carry around the rise.


This, Kensei is not OP, he requieres skill and can be countered by some heroes or just by everyone in early. He is BF 2.0.

Kensei is far from weak but his true weakness is CC. Anything with CC messes him up and that’s why I always buy a block although its almost never up. Kensei used to be a tank killer but unless if its CC he can dodge he’s going to struggle against a composition like Tony, Baptiste, and Reim. Skye and Kinetic are pretty good counters as well while Baron and Caine can handle him appropriately. I highkey smirk every time I’m laning against a Gwen though.

I can put a timestamp on a VOD from ilovejoseph if anyone wants to see my Kensei even though I don’t appear much on it during lane phase.

CC counters everyone, so the same can be said about literally every hero.

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That’s an over simplification. CC is useful against every hero (even Phinn), but it is more useful against certain heroes, and different kinds of CC is better against different heroes.

For example, stuns tend to be very useful against heroes with long channel times, slows are better against heroes without dashed. Slowing a Ringo really hurts him, but Baron who gets places mostly via dashes is not really a big impact. Stunning a Lorelei will be nice, but stunning Adagio while he is channeling his Ult is a big play that can win a fight.

Kensei is far harder countered by stun than Blackfeather. He has no tools to block it in his kit, and if he stops proccing his perk even for a second he is not at all tanky. Kensei is more countered by CC than most heroes. Probably about as much as Rona.

BF > Kensei

BF best man UwU Not kit wise since his massive nerfs.

BF was my main jungle hero in 3v3, but since the massive nerfs… I just had to move on, so I picked Kensei, who is BF 2.0 :slight_smile:

Sure, there are heroes not as vulnerable to cc, but I don’t think kensei is particularly vulnerable to cc, as vulnerable as a dive hero. What I meant with it applying to everyone is that cc chaining a hero is always a counter and not specific from Kensei.

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Perhaps we could use this topic and these posts as a start to the discussion regarding a Kensei guide, @HipsterSkaarf?? (I don’t think we have one yet, do we?)

@VaKTaBi - I’d enjoy reading some of your playstyle tips and builds!


25 posts were split to a new topic: More Kensei Discussion - OP or No?