Match maker improving?

It’s just astonishingly bad, the matchmaking. Doesn’t even feel like a beta let alone a released product. Embarrassing.


Sorry, but that’s completely false.


well, we had plenty of experience with a matchmaker starting from scratch. none of them were good.

it does make sense to get the mechanically skilled players away from the starting players.

it just makes for more games that actually feel fair right away. that is the reason why they allow smurf accounts to gain elo faster. there is not much fun in getting destroyed completly.

i fear right now that vg really doesnt have that many players and they really struggle with a remotely fair 5v5 matchmaking.


Be a shame if numbers are the issue. I’ve dabbled with other MOBAs but from a visual perspective they all appear wooden when compared with VG.

Time to up that advertising budget VG, your marketing teams letting you down.

Loquori on Reddit this morning, regarding MMR, VST, and matchmaking. An excellent post:

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I am pretty sure I did read a dev saying there is no diff nowdays between rank and mmr, but either he mislead us or I remember wrongly. Thanks for the correction. :bowing_man:

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I guess it needs time to get its footing? I’d give it at least 1 more update.

The match maker is terrible…

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The 5v5 matchmaker is badly broken right now. Fixing it is a top priority (if not THE top priority) for them, but I’ve yet to see an ETA for the fix.

I play 5v5 if I don’t care and I want to try weird stuff.

I play ranked 3v3 and get trolls too but at least my enemies are worth beating 1v3…

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Thanks matchmaker, why don’t you match me with VG Gold player esquire currently sitting 9th ranked in the EU server

This god amongst men hard carried their entire team, totally owned our top lane (I admit to be annoys in game as o though Ringo was feeding) and sun aged to back door us for the win despite my pinging the lane he was pushing because I saw his sneaky arse on the min map.

Seriously, you’re OP sir, well played…


Wow, that is a stack… And his build…ugh! Must have hurt.

WP Taka not trolling just owning wahahah

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