Match maker improving?

Hahaha. Awesome! Guess it’s not fixed yet.

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Not fixed

40 to 14, holy cow RIP in pieces.

That’s not the only point…

Their Baptise got afk, so a bot played for him!
Rona: Ally is a Nightmare: 15/1/8
Me: You are a Nightmare 17/1/13.


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Nobody seems to be talking much about the whole “bots as subs” thing – is it confirmed that this is happening? I am convinced it is also, but I haven’t seen any official admission of the fact.

Why would they do that, anyway? To keep the surrender rate down???

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I haven’t seen this yet, I’ve still got AFKs being idle. I’ll be honest, this would really throw me off. The bots are probably fairly bad, too. I don’t know how to feel about it.

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Seems pretty extreme. Is it a numbers thing or the AFK thing? There are def… Some people spam pinging like bots. Hahaha

You mean the bots are spam pinging like people… :thinking:

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I guess it already fixed because the game is hard even you already fed by enemy team

And the deserted bug is annoying

43 minutes long…

30 characters

… So true. Lol :slight_smile:

This has been happening in a lot of my games for quite a while now. Idk why they implemented this. The afk player’s really better off just staying at the base instead of feeding the enemy more gold, and-

yes. Yes they are. They sometimes have a world of their own and you’d usually need to babysit them

We’re reaching levels of AI never thought possible

That’s how I feel too. I’d rather they just sit there, out of the way, preventing aces and not feeding.

This started a good while back - several patches. It was limited to matches with low MMR present, though.
I noticed it mostly when I did not connect in time at the beginning of the match, and a bot took over (buying items and moving out of base). At other times, I would lose connection in team fights and my hero just ran off to lane in bot-fashion.

I guess the reasoning is: People with very low MMR are paired with leavers a lot. At the same time, they may not know the game well enough to take advantage of bots.
So in those cases, it is better to try and give them a full match experience, rather than constant AFK-salt.

Not such a bad move, I think, but it came riddled with bugs. A lot of the disconnects / hostile take-overs / errenous movement stuff we saw for a while may be connected to that.

Interesting … I had absolutely no idea that was going on until I saw it mentioned elsewhere (Discord? Reddit?). The rationale you propose seems like it could be well-intentioned, but as we all know, the bot AI in VG is pretty lame.

These bots are present in every game mode outside of ranked now. It suuuuuuucks. I don’t know how many games that I’ve won Lane, had the classic SEA server disconnect, and come back into game to find that I’ve died twice, lost my gold lead and found my tower dead.

If they do anything to the bots, keep them out of 5 man parties. It’s just the worst.

In all fairness - it worked a lot better before the match-maker went bonkers. As you said, you hardly even noticed it, because you did not get matched with people whose MMR was low enough to trigger the bot stand-in.
With the current situation, it adds another layer of problems to already completely unbalanced matches, of course.


That really makes perfect sense to me.

Because a bot isn’t as dumb as people think they are.
I prefer a very hard bot over 40% of my team mates…