They just die way too fast and it’s got nothing to do with health or barrier.
How about make them only take damage from AutoAttacks.
This would make a more consistent take down time and each hero would have an equal chance to take down / defend a turret in a predictable time.
Currently, whoever has high burst damage will take down turrets faster than any other.
making them only use basic attacks to hurt turrets would destroy this. wp saw would take down turrets far quicker than a cp skaarf who can no longer pu fan the flames ona turret. if you want it to be even just make it so onyl minons can damage the turrets.
Turrets are kinda fine the way they are. Some heroes are designed to obliterate them while others aren’t supposed to even bother. Turrets have shields early game which means no one except SAW can take them down. This allows for good rotations but bad laners will start off by staying near their turret instead of going to mid and being aggressive.
I wonder about that. I was watching twitch League of Legends player trying out Vainglory for the first time and his reaction to the turrets was “they are so useless” …
not only do they fire so slow, they get taken down so fast.
I mean, as a veteran player, we’re used to it. But it seems like his comment is kinda true.
They do fire slow. Too slow. To the point where you can get poked down from the enemy laner and still the turret is just gonna target but won’t shoot. The funny part is when I try to turret dive it instantly begins going “pew pew pew.” And them I’m like . But the point is that if they are gonna change turrets they should make them fire faster. It’s becoming too annoying seeing two full health enemies diving me and then I juke so hard that both live on a sliver of health while me being half health now dead. They should make the turrets fire faster but not instantly so people who are gonna dive will get a dive off, the question being will they get away with their life.
Yup, good point. that twitch streamer was getting stomped by Glaive and Catherine, playing a Koshka using a mouse and keyboard. i felt sorry for him.
shopping was really slow as well, because there’s no quick buy.
Anyway back on topic:
Maybe they could make a firing pattern. single shot, single shot, double shot… so if they stay long enough for a 3rd hit by the turret, they get punished with 2 hits.
if that isn’t punishing enough, then just go straight single, double shot on the second fire.
edit: this would work better than just increasing the damage, because they can negate the damge with a block, but a double shot would mean if they blocked the first, they’ll still get hit by the second.
well, the other way they could do it is just to make it attack faster… but i fear that would mess up the minion rotations and the impact they have in tanking for turret hits, giving you less time to attack turrets.