Leo - Is he strong or weak? (Bonus: Vox argument)

@5230984, @Guest_78 lets end here the discussion guys, it’s going nowhere. I will see if those changes were needed or not in some days.


And now he will be broken at those levels just because other people don’t know how to play him.

That’s why you use DRAGON’S EYE. I literally just said it in my post.

That’s just incorrect. Inara is in the same boat and she is FAR from weak. Tbh I dunno why she was buffed to heavily. Low tier players should not warrant such significant changes. It’s like they’re trying to remove the skill floor.

If Vox is so weak, why did L3on, a professional player in the EU server, ranked Vox at A tier on both of his hero tier lists?

89 votes and 57 comments so far on Reddit

67 votes and 48 comments so far on Reddit

Because he thinks he is strong. And he can say he is strong as much as he wants, but if then he is never picked and when picked he loses it means he is weak. Also, you dont need to explain me who is L3oN, im perfectly aware of who he is.

Still low damage compared with the other mages.

L3on said few patches ago that SAW was really strong (before CP SAW was a thing). Vox is strong in a coordinate team because he can lands his ult and destroy the enemy team with that, but aside from it, he has nothing.

Same with Skye, how many people do really think she is S (A) tier?

Edit: the A tier for L3on is B tier for everyone else. And Kinetic is more played than Vox, and more consistently

So you’re going to deny the tier lists because “he thinks he’s smarter than everyone”? The tier lists are near accurate and the Redditors think it is too. If low pick rates = weak hero then explain Skye, Inara, Lorelai, Tony, etc. I’m saying this again, your server is not the only server in Vainglory. There are also other servers, and in those servers Vox gets picked. I’m just stating the obvious fact that L3on is in EU.

What? no, im deying that pick becuase what he says and what he later on does are completely different things.

low pick rate and low win rate. if you are going to quote something i say, quote everything.

Any place i can see that? becuase in NA i havent seen him too.

About redditors thinking he is strong, they thought caine was balanced so…

Low damage what? The reason CP Vox is good is because of his consistency and reliability. You don’t need to use skillshots to deal damage. Mages tend to be less reliable (not saying they aren’t completely unreliable) than him because their abilities can be dodged. And because of that, Vox fits in any comp.

yes, Vox has low damage, and the fact that he doesnt need to use habilities to do that damage doesnt make him more reliable. His damage out of his ult is pretty low.

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The main problem is Vox being a sustain heavy character in a poke/assassin meta. I see Vox a decent amount, but I never see him to be particularly problematic

Vox needs a buff? He is perfectly balanced right now. In fact, he is a pick/ban priority in high tiers in SEA. If he gets one more buff, he’ll be absolutely broken.

I find Leo underwhelming at times. Easy to control with cc. Easy to harass and bully early game if he’s laning. He can be strong late game assuming he does not front line. He needs to wait for the enemies and his allies to engage and for opponents to have some of their cc abilities on cooldown.

I would not classify Leo as weak, but nor would I classify him as strong. I would classify him as situational. For me, situational heroes tend to be more on the ‘weak’ end of the scale. The more universally viable a hero is, the stronger they are. Leo just doesn’t work against too many enemy comps or without the right composition/supporting cast of his own team. With that said, when he does work, I do find him to be a beast late game. He is never banned in my experience. These buffs coming to him however, may warrant such a thought. I’ll have to wait and see.

In regard to a question @Guest_78 asked another user regarding why pick/ban a “weak” hero? It’s a good question. I don’t doubt he has a higher ceiling at higher elo (but don’t most heroes?), but it could also be likely that he’s banned because a) they don’t want their teammate using him and sucking with him (unlikely drafting behavior at high elo), b) they know they aren’t going to pick a heavy cc comp themselves, which opens up the door for a better Leo game, c) they’re picking him simply because he offers a fun play style and is a new hero. High elo players are just gamers like the rest of us and can like shiny new things!

In regard to Vox, I find him as an excellent pick and a versatile laner. I’ve had success top lane with him, easily bullying the enemy bot laner with the bounces and mobility. I find him a strong pick for mid lane, and imo, would only place Magnus and Celeste above him in that role. His late game team shredding is still very menacing.

My humble thoughts and opinions on the matter.

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That works for ranked, but doesn’t explain the competitive situation. A team doesn’t risk a tournament by picking a weak hero.

I don’t agree with Vox. For me Celeste>Samuel>malene>Magnus>skaarf>Vox.

In that order? Or are you just saying they’re better than Vox?

In that order for mid. 30303030

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I dunno if I would put Skaarf above Vox tbh lul

In my experience skaarf has been doing better than Vox, so yes, I would put him over Vox. Though I think skaarf isn’t in the best position right now.

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