Leo - Is he strong or weak? (Bonus: Vox argument)

Because that’s not true. 303030

You aren’t even in the same region that I am, so how would you know?

I meant in general, I don’t know what server you are in nor the tier, but it seem they don’t know how to play him.

You’re telling me that, of the dozens of games where I’ve seen Leo and seen him struggle, not a single one of those players knew how to play him? Isn’t that coincidence just a bit too far-fetched?

It’s strange, yes, but I doubt all of them did as terribly as you are claiming. Also, again, let’s see if you stop ignoring the question, why is he then played commonly in silver/gold and competitive? Because playing the supposedly worst hero in a tournament makes no sense.

His perk does little damage, CP Vox is only relevant when he uses his ult. His ult is not only used for the silence, in fact, the silence is not important there. CP Vox has less damage than any other mage with less range and more enemy dependant.

Edit: WP Vox viable? lol, he is the weakest carry in the game.

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The problem is that SEMC is balancing just for low elo.

I’m not ignoring the question. I’m telling you that I am not even seeing Leo at all. I don’t follow the tournament circuit, so I have no clue what you’re talking about. I watch a high 2400s NA streamer from time to time, and I don’t see anybody banning or picking Leo with any consistency, and most players that are playing Leo in his games are feeding.

most people in 2400 are boosted in every server, even in 2600 are boosted people.

So you basically can’t explain why. You can follow the tournament if you want in Maxman30’s channel on twitch.

Can you explain why nobody is picking Leo in my region?

requieres coordination and is not a hero you can pick against every comp, which is what people is expecting him to be.

This streamer plays 90% solo queue and has reached 2500 on his own, as a support main. He’s far from boosted.

Im not saying he is boosted

edit: He is main roam, so he doesn’t play Leo, which means that you only see Leo from indirect gameplay and those people can be boosted. Leo is a hero that is only played in a coordinated team in high elo, so in soloQ and, specially in 2400 where so many people is boosted, you should not spect Leo to be played nor win those matches.

Because they don’t know how to play it. The top NA players have gradually stop playing due to the lack of competitive, in fact some of them are changing región to EU due to the tournaments being hosted there. That makes the skill of the top ladder decrease, and don’t know how to properly play him. He also needs coordination and excels in parties, so seeing him doing well in soloQ is hard. That’s why he is mostly played competitively and in high elo scrims.

You can keep saying how people just don’t know how to play Leo, but that argument grows more hollow with each passing day. People have altogether stopped playing him anywhere in this region because of how underwhelming he is anywhere.

Further, if he is only good in teams and high elo games, that still speaks to an imbalance in design. Balancing heroes around the top 0.01% of players isn’t good game design.

Agree, but that’s how he was designed, and you can’t balance a hero for those who don’t know how to play it or else those who do will be unstoppable. Imagine balancing Skye that way. Heroes should be balance for their highest potential, that’s why heroes are designed with different skill floors.

The same thing happened with Magnus, he was supposedly terrible and when they started nerfing him he end up weaker than on release and was still op just because people learnt how to play him.

Leo has received one of the strongest buffs in VG history, I doubt he is so weak that needed that, otherwise he wouldn’t be picked at all ever, yet he is.

You still haven’t explained why the scrims/competitive/VG silver-gold.

Seems like you’ve already explained it. He’s only good in teams. I’ve already offered counterpoints to that by way of saying that the unicorns should not solely be dictating the balance of the game.

So it’s not that he is terrible but that he is situational, isn’t he?

Then we should buff Churnwalker too, shouldn’t we?

High elo/competitive play is far more than situational. If he’s only good for a handful of players around the world, then he’s bad.