Lane Kestrel

That how i already know… you judge people on a digital bar that goes up and down… tiers don’t mean much unless you are VG silver and above, I’ve been POA… one win away from silver. I have 4500 wins… been playing since 1.4.You don’t want these problems :slight_smile:…I relies I sound like a douche bag I apologize for that…

You judge people on watching…
Do they watch pro gameplay twitch/youtube… have they studied the game?,how often do they play,what kind of decisions do they make when put in hard situations,how long have they played???what’s their mechanics look like?? Can they block a phinn ult in the heat of combat?? You know… stuff like that. . Instead of a digital bar that goes up and down…which doesn’t measure actual Skill

So Poa bronze like me.

What’s your point. It was an unranked match where I try to get cs as CP kestrel. Best way for that is AC. Because CP kestrel wanst meant to lane…

if you meant that there’s little difference between poa bronze silver and gold, then yes… probably…
but saying that difference between vainglorious bronze (especially the upper one) with poa bronze or got swagger gold “doesn’t mean much” is funny…

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I like to run her SSw, TM,TM, TM/BS, Defence, JB

The BS is if the enemy builds heavy defence, can swap for TB in some cases or go full crit with 3rd TM. Defence is most likely RB/shield to escape if targeted.

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Is that reliable damage? Cp has aoe… Wp can farm much better though

It is, she has 15% armor piercing on glimershot, hits like a truck on full build. If you hit them ofc. This build is oriented towards glimmers. There are variants with BP, TT for AA dmg, but I prefer that one.

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Thing with CW is it enables you to spam your B… thae ability to cloak almost constantly enables you to set up some sweet ganks.

As a rule I’d avoid AC but in a 1v1 vs a Cp Kestrel is agree it’s a better choice.

Yeah your wrong, a POA player will have better mechanics than a hotness gold, period, that’s a fact. I’m usually POA silver (I soloq so find getting to VG impossible), i tend to judge people on their rank (it’s clear if they’re a smurf relatively quickly) because they’ve got to that position by beating ppl off a Lowe rank.

That’s not to say rank is always accurate, you get a bunch of guys who’ve been carried to higher elo, but they’re easy to spot in game.

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Well I’ve played CP Kestrel 4 times (1 mid lane, and 3 top lane) and they all got great results. I’m not a fan of WP Kestrel personally, because I love Spellfire, and using it to detonate traps.

image 1

image 2

image 3

image 4

Being able to deal 87k damage in a single match is insane (first photo). In the third photo, I lost but as you can see, my KDA and damage done was much more than the rest of the team (I also had the most damage done overall including the enemy team). I use SF, SG, CW, and BM (usually built in that order). I also get Halcyon Chargers for movement and faster cooldown, and Aegis for the included Reflex Block and shield. Clockwork is used because it allows you to be stealthed a lot longer because it shortens cooldown, and has a small amount of CP, and gives you more energy which is useful since you spend it fast without it by spamming Glimmershots and Active Camos. Also, the passive lets you spam your A, then have your Active Camo up quickly. Overall, Clockwork gives a variety of benefits which is why I use it. For farming, you can just spam your A, which is possible because you have lots of energy from your Clockwork (I get Halcyon Chargers pretty late in the game since Travel Boots + CW is better even though it is higher costing).


What is your farming style? Her auto attacks are rather weak so I wonder how you farm early game.
What do you buy and how do you handle enemy pressure?

Also most of those games weren’t soloque were they?

I bought two Crystal Bits for those games, but looking back, you could also buy a Weapon Blade as well so you can farm easier. I usually take the Crystal Treant first for extra damage to my Glimmershots and more damage, then I head back up to my lane (or take a Healing Treant beforehand) so I can farm consistently by being able to poke with a ton of damage. You have to be aggressive as CP Kestrel and you can actually pick up a few kills early game because not many people get defense early. I wouldn’t suggest spamming Glimmershots early since you don’t have a battery, but port base early to pick up Sprint Boots, Energy Battery, and a Crystal Bit. Then, you’re good, and can push.

In the third photo, I was laning against Ringo, and got first blood and turret because I took advantage of my abilities. The Petal was also very annoying but I could manage to snipe with my Glimmershots, then get away before she could get her munions on me and then repeat. Frostburn was also an option instead of SG to help land your abilities and escape. Basically for handling enemy pressure, you have to be able to land your Glimmershots (you can practice in bot matches) and be stealthy. I like to hide in brushes, and shoot Glimmershots which with enough accuracy can scare them away/kill them. Then, I could run after them, or snipe with my ultimate. At level 6, your ult actually does a lot of damage (which I found out by doing miniscule damage to a Flicker with Glimmershots, reached lvl 6 and killed him with my ult in the fourth match in the photos).

None of these matches were in solo queue. In the first photo, I was in a party with @BobRoss (Flibber) and RoyalSerperior. In the second photo, I was in a party with Daussman. In the third photo, I was in a party with BousxHD. In the fourth photo I was in a full party with Flibber, @Crysto, @Walda (elijah1z… uhhh well I think so, at least), and Daussman. All of these people were actually forumers in the old forums which is how I knew them! Just because I have amazing people to play with, doesn’t mean that CP Kestrel only works in parties. I might try playing a solo match to prove that. She does great damage on her own (as shown in the third photo), and although she can’t hardcarry a whole entire team of five, you can with the help of a random good/decent person which you’re more likely to find than if you were solo-q’ing a 3v3 match. I’d like to give a shout-out to trueunity, a random Celeste I’ve never met before, who got 18/0/6 and carried our team. Thanks!

The Match


Borb, you’ve convinced me to try out Kestrel in 5v5.


Lmao yes vg bronze isn’t much different from poa…I’ve played against and with plenty of vg bronze players… not much of a difference… maybe slightly better at certain things… but that’s about it. . Poa bronze and vg bronze… only difference is it will take alot longer to Soloq to vg bronze

Highest damage in my team. Early game Krul+fortress ganks got me killed a few times but I started 2/0/1.

I just played a match with WP Kestrel in mid, and I have to admit, she’s quite good.

Despite some issues with our team (FB on WP Vox, Taka trolling then AFKing, etc.), we were able to come back from an extremely bad position thanks to my choice of WP Kestrel. She has some good poke damage with her A and a decent disengage early on, which helped quite a lot against the enemy laner, Ozo, along with his allies Grace and Krul, who tried to gank quite a lot. Late game, her damage was strong enough to kill enemy heroes before they got too close and take down objectives quickly.


I main CP Kestrel, go SG CW SG SF BM HC

Raw CP is ideal on Kestrel, which is why you have to focus on CP such as SG.

For laning, go Crystal bit and Energy battery at the start. Farming will be slightly difficult at the start, but once you get SG it will be fine. Compare CP Kes to Celeste. At the start farming is difficult, but with more CP you can use your spammable A to last hit minions. You wouldn’t buy AC instead on Celeste.

Use your A to last hit in lane early. The direct damage at the start is greater than the splash.

Pressure your enemy by poking them with your A’s, if they can’t get close to you and 10% of their health gets removed every time they get hit, they will think twice about trying to pressure you.
Buy Crystal bit and Energy battery at the start.

yes averagely, only a little difference between vg bronze and poa gold.

but i doubt that’s the case with vg bronze (upper one) with poa bronze…

people who said rank is no matter only want to reassure themself, i think…

Raw CP and then lategame SSW???