"Karas" Was Blatantly Plagiarized from Onmyoji Arena

if it was MY company and My game? Deleted rather than rework.

why? Karas as a hero is etched in history now. Forever a scar and imo, damages SEMC’s reputation to even have it in the game.

Delete . There is no other option.

I don’t really agree. He’s a cool character, they put effort into the concept art and character. His voice lines aren’t even garbage, it’s just his ability set that’s copied. I (and a lot of other people) loved him before his abilities were revealed.

that’s like giving your cheating partner a 2nd chance.

Sure, things could work out just fine. But cheat again, shame on me.

Sure it’s a waste of resources. but that’s life. you’re entitled to your opinion. Many people do forgive their cheating partners.

But yeh… I’m one to remember.

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I’m not forgiving anyone. Your logic just isn’t cohesive.

Your initial point is that it’s a stain on the company, which has nothing to do with forgiveness of error, just reputation. Letting them keep the character isn’t a pass to do it again. They didn’t copy the character just the ability set. Change the ability set and keep your badass original character you put a bunch of resources into. The players get more content faster, no one loses a hero they spent ice on, you save yourself resources.

No one is forgiven, nothing is “gotten away with”


I agree with this, it’s not forgotten what they’ve done but it’s a bit of a waste to completely trash all the effort that went into the hero design. I may not like it but the fan weapon is interesting and rare in that it’s a fan concept and the character itself isn’t what was copied but the abilities and effects, they can still work with that design and give it a better kit/effects, not just straight up copy-paste.

Plus its already been released, deleting a character people potentially payed for with cash is always an iffy thing to go into


oh. yeah, the spent ice. they got no choice BUT to rework it. otherwise loose income.

They copied the character completely from what i can see. but hey, i never said it was an easy choice. they loose lots. the reputation is the last of their worries at this point. reputation is a measure that can only be felt by each individual. so yeh, to each their own.

Ehhh. Ishtar atleast had lore sprinkled into her lines. As for Karas, his voicelines are really bland.

Also is this going to be VGs first ever massive rework?

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Petal got what I’d call a decent rework. If they actually create new abilities and animation though then it will be the largest ti date.


Big Bruh moment lmao

vg so ded even a necromancer can’t revive it

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Wow. What a thread to read. It seems rare for a game/company to come out with an apology and rework, so one could optimistically say kudos to them. Yet, it likely wouldn’t have happened without tremendous pressure from the community. Not to be a total cynic here, but the VG community is so small that I’m surprised such an outcry could be possible.

I wonder if they also received heat from Onmyoji fans as well.

Certainly an unfortunate first step from Rogue.

While I understand @Rawzri pov, the same can be said for almost any genre of gaming. MMORPGs copied Guild Wars. Any MOBA copied DotA. Etc. Copied isn’t used correctly then in my opinion, but rather they’re using a tried and true template to appeal to a profitable and popular customer community. Each game can then add it’s own flavor.

As many pointed out in this post, this really is a copy, which isn’t cool. At least the hero has a different look, but that seems to be all that’s different. Has a hot fix or re-release come out yet?

Oh - and hi! Merry Christmas! :christmas_tree::gift:


He will be re-released in Jan with a complete rework. Merry Christmas to you too and everyone in the forums!


Hopefully, this rework is treated as extra work to be done and not a replacement for part of the next update, though I doubt this will be the case. It’ll probably be another month without balance changes, if the trend of what is replaceable holds. I’m not surprised that update content has gotten smaller since the Rogue takeover, which is part of the reason I haven’t come back to this game.


Wow, what a thread to come back to. Really disappointed in Rogue but honestly who expected anything but a total mess during this whole switch.

Glad they’re reworking him instead of deleting him. If they deleted him imo it would feel like they’re trying to sweep it away and forget about it. Like this it feels more like they’re trying to prove to us they can/want to do better.


They said he is releasing “alongside the planned 5.0 content”. Hopefully they bring in SEMC talent. Karas has a fun character design and a lot of potential.