I get he has high burst damage from his B and what not, but WP is so much better. Particularly if your team already had two CP carries and one WP carry that needs help. Also if you miss your B a lot, you’ve already loss playing CP Blackfeather.
Guild teams of duos and trios.
I’m fine with the quad teams, since they generally put up a good fight and back up their lone solo team mate. I hate duos and trios because they are stupidly unreliable 90% of the time, both as enemies and allies. I had a match where the opposing team had 2 sets of duo guild teams, yet loss because they got cocky due to dominating my team of randos early game. Then I had a match with a trio squad. Man, they can’t ping each to save each other at all and build nonsense.
People using Stormcrown in Rumble (as well as 3v3 and Blitz).
Did they not read the patch notes? Does it have to be shoved down their throats that the item is not needed for the Halcyon Fold?! Bah!!!
Players who blame others and give up super quickly.
We lost one Kraken in Rumble and this Kestrel immediately gives up and goes boots. We could have taken that Kraken before the vain turrets get too badly damaged, but no, Kestrel the Kookoo decides to boot herself to low priority queue cause she can’t accept she’s the problem. Pathetic.
They should come out with an academy video titled, “You’re Entitled to Nothing” and just spend 30 seconds explaining it’s okay for a jungler or captain to get a few CS while you’re dead or on recall and that it’s all about TEAM work in this game.
I’ll throw my salt in there with yours. Those are all things that get me riled up as well. Grrrrrrrr.
I’ll add one:
Players who don’t understand the concept of ROTATING between jungle and lane in Rumble: either by spending the first 2/3 of the match in their own jungle while allowing their team to lose the first two turrets OR by spending the entire time in the lane while the enemy jungler farms BOTH jungles.
Nonsense. If someone picks something ridiculous (like your example of WP Celeste), the other players on the team certainly have every right to be upset about that, because it’s handicapping the entire team. And it’s a TEAM game. No one wants to waste 10 minutes (or any time, really) in a match they have little to no chance of winning.
Treating ANY PvP game mode like it’s a joke is what ruins the experience for other players, and I see that tendency in certain players – particularly some who see ranked matches as the only “real” modes. That inability to see that trolling in the other “non-serious” modes is detrimental to the game as a whole. Period.
Well you’re right Wp celeste is a bit too far, but being upset about Cp Bf thats just ridiculous, if i wanted to play meta heroes and builds i would stick to ranked.
It really isnt. What you were faced with was a new player probably playing BF. CP is way more better in high tiers than WP due to the fact that melee heros need more babying than ranged heros. Blame the player not the hero.
Plus its not really a problem to have more than two cp/wp heros. Vg has come down to whoevers team can outplay the opposition, wins.
Other than that, I agree with everything else.
Ps. Its most likely that they are using a recommended build that incorporates SC.
And going against full guild teams makes me want to jump off of the bridge and right into the ocean on the Fold.
If you’re gonna be upset at least be upset that they’re playing BF in the first place. But CP BF is better than WP BF currently. Anyway as I said both are pretty bad but you could make CP Bf work easier.
My favorite thing when I’m invading so that we can actually get an advantage and everyone that should be coming comes except for that 1 laner (usually bot laners). They just go and sweep your entire jungle so you end up with no advantage at all. Then 2 minutes later after spam pinging caution they still overextend and get ganked. And if you dare CS minions that are dying to the turret while they’re dead they ping that they’ll run it down mid or just sell build. Makes me wonder how the hell they reached the rank they got. It’s literally wasted gold as NO ONE else is able to get it…
Where are people supposed to try their funny offmeta picks if not casual and especially brawl modes then? People on the forum constantly suggest some offmeta weird picks and strategies and it seems alright for most people.
On the other hand in my opinion the opposite - people who take brawl (actually talking strictly about blitz here) modes too seriously and tilt in it are the ones who ruined the experience. It was fun when everyone did whatever they wanted and had fun. Having someone spam surrender in blitz… BLITZ… it’s 5 minutes ffs. That I just can’t understand. What do they play for if not fun? Aren’t brawl modes made to be fun short and non-competitive modes? Why should people use meta there if they don’t want to?
That’s not at all what I’m saying. You can certainly experiment in casual and brawls, but selecting obvious ridiculous builds (WP Celeste was the example used) is trolling. Do that in a private match/scrim if you want to amuse yourself without wasting your teammates’ time and hurting their enjoyment of the game.
You are putting words in my mouth. Re-read what I wrote:
This pisses me off no end. My main mode is 3v3 ranked, so you can imagine when a Reim goes Stormcrown into boots before buying any CP. I just know that unless I’m on Gwen and am in godcarry mode we’ve lost.
Stormcrown oh my god yes, WHY? These are the people spending all their time in jungle hahaha.
Also, to people talking about trying “experimental” builds, they’re absolutely fine if you’re playing with a full team of guild mates, but absolutely annoying when you’re in a team with 4 people who don’t know you, and will be upset by it. As mentioned, this is a TEAM game.
But that’s the thing though, that’s what YOU consider trolling. Others might not or they might consider picking actual hero with intended path like BF and having normal build as trolling just because he’s offmeta. That’s been discussed before. You can not have a definition of trolling in cases like that (I mean if someone sells build and runs it down mid sure but I’m talking about what players think). It’s kind of like there being no stats for roams. You can’t have a clear indicator of their impact just like how you don’t know who considers what a troll pick/action. I personally don’t care if I’ll get a WP Celeste or CP Baron in my team. I think they’re both useless but many people love and believe Baron is good for example and my opinion won’t change theirs.
I get your point about WP Celeste though, she’s seen as a troll pick (for obvious reasons) and I consider her troll too (of course). My point is where do you draw the line? You see something as troll that others do not and vice versa. That’s what I meant. And if you’re not able to do what you want in the brawl modes there’s nowhere else to. Privates don’t really work for everyone.
You really need to stop responding to things I didn’t say. I am not talking about off-meta builds or trying something you think might work in a given situation. I am talking about situations any reasonable person would consider ridiculous (e.g., WP Celeste).
And yes, treating modes YOU don’t consider “serious” (as in, people care about doing well and winning the match, or at least having a real chance to do so) as a mode in which to fool around and waste people’s time IS a detriment to the experiences of everyone else on your team.
As was pointed out above, an alternative to a scrim if you can’t find enough players is to play with a full party and AGREE that you’re going to mess around with weird builds or whatever. If you do it outside a full party, you’re affecting other people’s enjoyment of the game.
Stormcrown is the single worse item even happened in this game. Hated it so much before and now it’s meta and folks are building it on weapon carriers in rumble as well.
On top of all this it’s even in some recommend builds like wtf
I probably should have phrased things better, so let me do it now: “I hate players who decide to pick Blackfeather as a CP carry but are bad in every possible scenario in the match.”
There, happy?
Here’s an extra salty part that’s hidden behind a spoiler because it could trigger people.
Guess what? I don’t care. This is a Salt Mine. I hate Blackfeather overall cause players performance on him are almost always superb on the enemy team and bad on my team. Players can’t seem to play him anymore after his Glory days in my matches when they are my allies.
To all those that agree Stormcrown being used in places where it shouldn’t be:
I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one. SEMC should either hurry up with custom builds or get rid of Stormcrown from matches that play on the Halcyon Fold map.
Omg, we’ve been begging for this for 4 flipping years! Stop with the window dressing already, and give us something that would improve EVERYONE’S lives!
I like CP bf and also he is viable. True that WP is better overall, but CP is played different and generally for me more fun. Tho after his kit removal, the fun factor to play him is really lower, sadly.