Is there any heros you dislike or particually don't use because their kit that don't interest you

i love all the characters in vg as characters
but i hate adagio’s kit. idk why but nothing about his kit makes me feel good when pulled off (3/5 man stuns are a myth).
the only time i actually wanted to use him was when i was duoing with a guy and he forced me to roam for like 20 games straight and my only way out of it was playing adagio which i was supposed to swap with him

  • Celeste: Insane zone control but just so linear. Stun, Double A, then ult :sleeping:. Also her taunts actually tilt me if the enemy Celeste is ahead.

  • Kestrel: Hate this hero soooo much…Mostly cuz she just never really seems to be completely out of meta and is a pretty popular hero in general (either her wp path is strong/cp path is strong or both at the same time). Glimmershots are the most agitating sounding ability in the game…especially if u ever watched competitive VG on twitch (audio quality there sometimes make glimmershots sound “staticy”). Also 1 in 10 chance of me ever landing her ult when I play her in 5v5.

  • Grace: I find her early game obnoxious with that A ability on WP.

  • Rona: Actually like the design of this hero but for the life of me I always int when I play her…even when meta. Like the enemy Rona always 1v9s and bursts my carries but my Rona always manages to jump directly into Celeste B.

Those are hella edits, you could have kept 'em and still made your new topic, you know. :thumbs:

I think this is a very important distinction to make. Glad you said this.


I can never actually play rona… jumping diving into their team scares me

I can’t stand playing Glaive and Taka. I find their playstyles sooooooo boring.

And as a Captain main, I’m ashamed to say that I hate Ardan because 1) I don’t find him interesting, and 2) I suck at him.

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Don’t be ashamed. I hate him too.


Ardan: Why does his B even exist?
Ringo: Most basic kit in vg.
SAW: The meme of vg.
And also why everyone hates Ozo, did you see anything like Acrobounce before?

Catherine and Fortress, they’re just boring like sure there is a lot of easy heroes but there is still certain mechanics you have to master but these 2 have no complexity what so ever.

Nothing more fun than ulting in a 1v1 as fortress and watching the ensuing panic

I hate people like that. Honestly im willing to fill whenever, but if your forcing me to roam indefinitely, unless i like roaming, it just makes me tilt.

agree, if someone asks me “can u roam?” sure why not, but judt “u roam” is rude

Rona. Ive been playing for years and she is the only hero Ive never played outside of practice mode.

Grace, lance and blackfeather. Never really had an interest in playing them not cuz their kit specifically, just I dunno

Baron is kind of boring, he doesn’t really do much. He’s powerful, but bland.

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Post Rework Blackfeather.

‘Nuff said.


Fixed that for you, hope it helps


Adagio, Grace, Adagio, Tony, Adagio, Adagio, Malene, and ummm did I say Adagio?


glaive, tony, kensei, ardan: boring kits :sleeping:
lance: bad chracter
gwen: i just dislike her :man_shrugging:
fortress: he doesn’t feel impactful to me

why people hating on churnwalker and grumpjaw they have really nice characters :pouting_cat:

take my grumpjaw :pouting_cat::pouting_cat::pouting_cat:


It really hurts to hear the hate for Lance. IMO he has one of the best kit designs out of all the heroes. That being said there are no heroes that bore me and I’m good with every single one.