Investing Time in Heroes

Yeah in all honesty SEMC if they give him more def stats and lower attack damage he can become a captain.

In all honesty everything in the game, except a hypercarry can go to the top lane and do well.

Even a hypercarry done right can the key to it though is to be the first person to destroy a turret

Baptiste needs an initiator to go against a mage. He can’t gap close, but will keep someone in one spot for a very long time.

Yeah it happens when the enemy team is really bad or the enemy jungler is CP, if a jungler goes WP they tend to attempt to gank bot lane first and harass your portion of the jungle.

Just a match to stop the decay while I only really play 5v5.

Captain Baptiste is a sustain tank with maddening CC for his team.

It really depends on the midlaners. If you ban Celeste and Malene Baptiste can handle Vox Sam and Skye a lot better.

His remaining weaknesses would be Kestrel CP and Skaarf. But his A reveals Kestrel and her movement speed is very low.

A good Baptiste with DE SF/SG CW as his core will deal a ton of damage and his Ultimate is a real game changer. If you keep poking your Ult will reset in no time too…

The answer to this is journey boots. I don’t have problem against Samuel, Skaarf, Idris, Adagio and whoever else you would find to be a mage. Actually early game he can even beat kestrel as he only needs to break her stealth once and her invisibility is pretty short. Celeste is a counter but even then it is not your job to deal with her.

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That’s true but his job is to stop their scaling. Not directly stop mid laner’s scaling but with his early and mid he should be pushing bot hard which needs more attention to him and leaves others lanes more vulnerable.

I wouldn’t rush Journey Boots just to deal with one person if my team needs the Shiv + Peel more to be honest.

Journey boots after shiv and BP not before. Before that you should be able to deal with mostly anyone with exceptions like Krul.