I'm gonna post ideas about nerfing S-A-tier and buffing B-C-tier (Free-For-All)

The real beauty of idris comes from cp and wp together

But he doesn’t have the blink to chain his Chakram like his WP path.

Would be good but then he would need CD reductions if relying on chakram. Now with weaving in AA his B cooldown isn’t noticable but if he relies solely on chakram it would be a problem

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(Mostly playing 3v3 at the moment as I’ve reached a higher tier in 5v5)

Alpha really isn’t balanced; first off she has two lives, which wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact she hits like a truck with relatively cheap items, her abilites are on very low cooldowns enabling her to spam them combined with an innate tankiness enhanced by the fact she doesn’t need much offence to be effective so can prioritise defence. If she manages to breakthrough to your carry they’re as good as dead, she’s incredible hard to kite as she has so many gap closers and a single carry can’t lay down enough DMG to kill her during reboot.

There are 3 maybe three hero’s who I’d consider a direct count draft to her which puts you in a tight spot during draft, if she’s not banned she gets picked(she’s banned 6 out of 10 matches) that’s how strong she is right now and when combined with certain team comp Is he becomes unbearable (she has one of the highest win rates). I actually resent the fact that if the enemy pick her your limited to just 1/2 counter picks, and if you don’t counter her you’ll lose (she has the 4th highest win rate).

I mean at least with the other top win rate hero’s they’re are a variety of ways to counter them. But with alpha you’ve got Krul and Reim, along with a decent Skye player I can see anyone else who can deal with her.

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Agreeded the issue with alpha is her ability to spam abilites and take advantage of AS Procs combined with the fact she can’t be burst down by a single hero during reboot. I mean few if any laners can kill her twice it’s just to damn hard to kite her whilst laying down enough DMG.

Was amused to lead yesterday that she is considered “hard” to play by SEMC, reality is she’s a spam bot who abuses SC/AS build path.


Skye FB and Saw spun up would both instantly remove his entire perk…

If he doesn’t shred them to pieces first with his A-B combo then yeah.

the reason he said fb was because of the slow. as a grumpjaw player it is annoying enough trying to get stacks back from the current perk. just do a trade off in the perk like rona.

for every stack grumpjaw has -2% of all damage

something like this would help him stop hurting everyone when fully stacked. thats -10% at 5 stacks… oh wait thats strong make it -1% at each stack

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Another example of SEMC’s bad humor right there boys.

you dont need to blink to combo it, even the roll version of A keeps it going

also, imo, do not change baron’s range. his low range is what makes him weaker earlygame, if you increase his range his earlygame weakness will be much lower.

In high tiers, Alpha is abandoned.
Fortunately, when I’m against Alpha I can just pick Rona cause she’ll out dmg Alpha and much more versatile in team fights.
Imo Alpha just needs small nerf, Rona and Celeste need big nerf. These 2 dominate bot and mid in every match

I’m POA silver in 5v5, so I’m familiar with higher tier matches. I agree re 5v5, far better jungle choices who scale better later into the late game. Alpha pretty uselsss in large team fights just like Krul, easily burst down by carries.

But in 3 v3 alpha is a top ban and for good reason… anyone who says she’s balanced in 3v3 isn’t playing regularly IMO.


True. She’s OP in 3v3 because she can spam her Aftershock B more than me spamming post back in the days and the Aftershock deals too much damage.

She’s also tanky in 3v3 in 5 v 5 she has less of an impact because the Damage from carries enables you to burst her down late game.

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Though she can and will enable a 5v5 team to ride her early game snowball. She can cause a gold lead that will allow her team to smash the other team. She can destroy some turrets early game and if she avoids full on teamfights by splitpushing, the enemy team will have to overinvest in stopping her or let her be untill the 5v4 is won.

Alpha is dangerous!

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