I think 5v5 is ruining VG for me

4v5 is totally doable – my guildmates and I went into a 5v5 last night as a group of 4, and we got paired with a Ringo who called bot. He then proceeded to farm the entire match, participating in only 1 or 2 teamfights and not even one push. We still won quite handily. Ringo managed to outfarm everyone in the match, though, so there’s that. :roll_eyes:

Yes. Technical laning skill and efficient rotation is much more emphasized in the early game. People tend to think in terms of individual combat pvp impact though, which 3v3 catered to better. Now it’s more about team coordination, compositions, and builds.

Individual mechanical skill is still necessary and beneficial, but it’s not the Trump card that it was in 3v3.


Well the 3.0 release sure hasn’t helped my mood. Matchmaking is a NIGHTMARE. 1000* worse than pre-release. Every single game I’ve been in a complete blowout one way or the other.

My hero stutter steps whenever I use high quality and it never did that on Halcyon Fold.

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Porting to shop after a kill is a common unwritten rule in mobas in general. After a kill, you crash the minion wave into their turret to deny the gold and xp, maybe steal their jungle camp, then port back to match the item advantage.
Also, later in the game you can quickly walk to river shop, so it’s an even bigger lead.

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The music is shit though, why would the music not changed when there’s a teamfight? Literally a slow music in an intense teamfight lol

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I agree 5v5 heavily rewards teamwork. Heavily. But never count out individual skill. I mean your team is only as good as its individual parts.



I should mention that my GFX quality was on auto and when 3.0 update drop it was lowered from high on my phone to mid/low (not sure, but the sharpness is gone and the text blury as hell). My phone is s7e… so I guess there is really something problematic in the high settings. Manually set it back to high and atlest the performance is good, tho I see lags (not sure if server lag or high settings gfx, didn’t test with manually lower quality).

Also worth noting is that 5vs5 is draining a lot more battery compared to 2.11 3vs3.

A single skilled individual can’t push a lane 1v3 in 3v3.

A single individual can push one of the lanes and make impactful differences in 5v5. If you are the MVP fed as hell monster on your side you can push a turret for the minions to kill and then gank another lane. You can invade easier in 5v5 too.

In 3v3 you are dependant on your allies way more.

5v5 you can push 2 lanes as a single hero at once where in 3v3 you can expect at least 2 enemy heroes to face you when pushing lane.

In 5v5 if they need to 2v1 you to maintain their lane you are already winning.

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I disagree completely.
You were locked in your role in 3v3 which made you dependant on the performance of others.
I don’t need vision I don’t need fountain in 5v5 I have my own sustain through flask and lifesteal through boe from the get go. And my own cams without the need for a captain.

A laner rotating down to jungle gets punished for that in 3v3 because there is little lane control.

Rotating empowers you in 5v5 and there are various angles from which you can push an advantage instead of just a single lane and a kraken.

There are now 5 objectives that are worthwhile compared to the 2 in 3v3


I actually like the music sounds very medieval, it’s similar to LoL. I thought I heard the music get intense in team fights.

100% agree with this, i haven’t lose a match yet in 5v5 casual except that one time where i afk with vox because of battery. For people that is familiar with pc 5v5 moba, carrying people shouldn’t be a problem in this game.


It’s only get intense when you have captured the blackclaw, otherwise the music doesn’t change at all.

Match making is horrendous, most of my 5 v 5 matches are a disaster.

Decided I’d try and roam last night, that was a mistake, idiots double lanning and leaving mid open 2 games in a row. Even when they were pushing the guys didn’t react.

Switched to jungle and carried our team, secured 23/1/9 with Taka securing half of all our kills including a penta which ultimately won the match; the skill level is horrendous.


The skill levels are so low, play jungle and just abuse the opposition, it’s like playing bots.

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Yeah the matchmaker are so bad.

Oh I see. That sounds more likely. I do like the new music though!

Jungle and Roam both free you enough in the early game to carry a match. The Rise also lacks some of the anti-snowball mechanics of the Fold. That’s why we are seeing early game aggression Roams do well. The distance between lanes is so small and the respawn timers for camps are so long, that there is little penalty for failed ganks or lost time from invades. There isn’t the anti-invade mechanic of a crystal miner which also makes Jungle and Roam strong. Ghostwing provides 1500 team gold and a buff, unlike the gold miner who provided a max of 1200 but often less and no buff. It increases the snowball.

As someone who’s been playing HOTS daily for the last year, after 3 games of 5v5 I’m unimpressed. It’s just boring. The team fights aren’t that exciting IMO and I’m unsure why laning is so slow (in terms of CS) but the laning phase is again, just boring for me.

I also haven’t seen a comback yet, which IMO is the hallmark of good game design. Obviously 3 games is nothing, but I see no reason to play VG over HOTS, so I’m playing when I’m out an about, on a lunch break or something.


Onslaught’s “design” was so bad I was blown away. Honestly it was unplayable IMO.