I think 5v5 is ruining VG for me

Whereas I believe fairly firmly that the sweet spot for a good enjoyable 5v5 game is 25-30 minutes.

At the moment I believe the early game is too impactful - one team can get significant enough an advantage that its quite hard to come back from (not that you get a chance to since people have often afk’d or surrendered before late game even gets close)

There are two potentially unfun game states for mobas -

  1. The early game decides everything so you play for 20 mins but only the first 5 mins count.
  2. The early game and mid decides nothing, everything is determined by a few late team fights,

Good game states sit in the middle - where all of the game is relevant to but not completely determinative of the outcome.


I usually top out CS on both sides when I’m laning, and focus on sticking to my position, protecting my turret, and not dying until at least the mid game, when it’s time to capture turrets.

I have a farm centric play style, which is why I feel the laning phases take too long.

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
Lel I read the first sentence you had an laughed. To focused on teamwork? Really? Christ almighty, I feel bad for anyone who plays with you.

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God no. 20 minutes is way too long. I was hoping 5v5 would be the same time as 3v3 like Semc advertised.
If they don’t shorten the games, once the newness wears out, we’re going to an epidemic of afks…

5v5 is good enough. Especially for someone who come back bcuz of 5v5 map like me

Some point that I dont like is the game feels very slow. The movement speed is very slow for big map like that, need to buff all hero movement speed. Sometimes I coming late whenever I want to helping other people in other lane. Teleport boot is not that big help either

And then roam role bcome the most tiring role. It worse than on 3v3 map. I feels tired playing 2 game as roam. Slow movement speed and big map, its like a hell for roam

Thats all. I will rate 3,5/5 for 5v5 map for jow

tampering with move speed is very dangerous - they tried it several times in the pbe and honestly it didn’t improve things.

This is for two reasons

  1. most of additional 5v5 tactics involve map position advantage - increasing movement speed decreases these.
  2. skill shots are balanced for current move speeds. If move speeds change so do most skill shots.
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Maybe reduce boots cooldown or something. Its just my random idea though. honestly I feel move speed is slow on 5v5 map


I think there are two solutions to this:

  1. Lane minion damage and health is a little high. It punishes fights when the wave is there and they take turrets a little too easily. This ties Laners to the lane until a tier one drops, either yours or theirs , and the wave shoved.

  2. Roam and Jungle players don’t understand they need to hold/clear a lane if the Laner is not there. I don’t think they are even looking at waves. Once players realize they are responsible for that things will get better. You really see this when a top laner loses 3 turrets in 8 mins and neither the Roam nor Jungle has ever gone up top.


Why so much hate
Play more, adaptation is what we need.
It’s a mess at first, but it’s still a baby, it’s still growing.
I’m totally agree about onslaught. It’s not a good thing.

Not the move speed, it’s just the map is too big.

Laners shouldn’t leave their lane though, at least not till the mid game, and even then I say stick to your lane side of the map, and don’t cross the mid lane. Unless of course you die, or need to shop.

Roam and jungle should definitely rotate to assist, which ever lane is needed, but never more than 2 to a lane, unless in rotation, because if they out number a lane you can simply farm under turret while the other lanes split push.

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The issues I am having with the 5v5 is the lack of help and the quick fire surrenders. The moment Black Claw is unleashed by the enemy the surrender pops up. It is absolutely ridiculous to just give up so easy IMO.
Today I have played 4 games and there has been 3 surrenders. What’s frustrating is seeing the enemy have fewer turrets up than my team but we’re surrendering.


When people say that VG 5v5 feels slow it’s a sign that they’ve never play another 5v5 MOBA before IMO.
LoL and DOTA2, the front runners in the 5v5 MOBA scene, are half the speed of VG. The amount of damage characters can do early game is pretty insane compared to LoL, and DOTA teamfights last ages and their games can go up to 60 minutes easily. Plus their respawns can get up to 120 seconds.

Vainglory 5v5 feels like Barry Allen, because god damn, is it the fastest MOBA alive.
Well, good MOBA.


If you manage to push up your lane quite a bit, then maybe you could try rotating to the mid lane to help your laner if he’s getting bullied in lane, just so that the game won’t feel like it’s drawn out early on.
I personally try to rotate to mid if the enemy laner has just died, or has a huge wave of minions pushing his lane.

Move speed is fine, there needs to be a punishment if you leave your lane to gank and fail to do that, since it would take you a little bit of time to get back. If everyone moved too fast then you could rotate to any lane, and be back to your lane before the minion wave gets to your turret, thus extending game time more.

River buff is already good enough

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That’s how you get your turret taken. I do it all the time to enemy laners that rotate out of my lane.

It’s the junglers and roams responsibility to rotate and assist, not the other laners. They should focus on securing their lane and let the other laners focus on securing theirs.

Thanks for the considered responses to my admittedly grumpy post. It’s really not salt … I’m winning and losing about equally, I think. I’m just struggling to find the fun. Will try a bit more.


I don’t know why people find it hard to adapt to the map, I didn’t even have early access, and I sort of grasped rotations, adated to the map and camera on the first match I entered. VG 5v5’s pace is like that of LOL, and after playing 5v5 I’ve realised how simplified and rushed the other MOBAs are.

Um… We are talking about moba on phone right? Why compare with lol and dota?

Yeah. Im not playing moba on pc like lol and dota. So my comment is irrelevant? :frowning:

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Uh no. You don’t really stay there out of your lane for long, and you definitely don’t wanna stay in it when it’s pushed, since you’ll just waste time by standing there.
You want to either

  1. Check the mid lane via free cam and see if you can get a quick kill, if you can then you should definitely go there and shop on the way and return before the enemy laner pushes your lane (which will rarely happen, since another wave of minions will reach there)
  2. Rotate to your side of the jungle to get the wp buff / heal if you are low.

Basically if you have an advantage in gold and cs, it’ll be wasted if you just stand in your lane while it is pushed, since you are basically giving the enemy an opportunity to catch up to you, and if you try to go farm it near the enemy turret, you are very susceptible to a gank.