I am not a bad player

I think I will do something like this. Playing a counter with a lot of damage.

Flicker is an interesting choice as offensive captain when playing captain. He received numerous buffs in the last few patches.

Koshka/Reim/BF/Flicker are strong independent heroes. CD Glaive comes to mind too.

I am having good success with WP joule too.

I own all heroes and can play 20 of them very well.
Just have to find out what the current picks and counterpicks are.

In 3v3 WP BF seems far weaker.

My favourite remains Ozo.

Rona and churn are really strong too but more situational.

In response to C: I try to break out Krul every now and again in casual matches as he will always be my bae. In some games, especially against mid Elo, I am left free in team fights to latch on. And by free I mean none of them focus me. I feel like a kid left alone in a candy shop. I’m like “really! Is is this really happening!?” Because usually it’s the exact opposite, I’m central focus, burst me down with fire type of attitude.

We mop the floor with them and I always think after the match, so you know why you guys lost right lol

I find that in quite a few matches. I know our win conditions just as I know what the enemy should do to counter us. When they don’t, I’m like xD


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The only mistake is my beloved smec matchmaking

Dude suggesting people one trick a hero is poor advice; sure abuse that mechanic in tiers 5/6 but by the time you reaching 8/9/10 you’ll plateau.

OP is right, his understanding of the game is certainly higher than his existing tier level. But, I’m 3 v 3 you can get drafted with clowns, trolls and relentless toxicity.

Personally playing POA last Friday night. I went from POA silver and a 15 match win streak back to SA Bronze because of poor math making and deliberately trolling. It happens, it’s bloody annoying and it’s not something you’ve any experience of given your tier level.

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When talking about win conditions you’re simply levelling yourself (poker term); you’re applying game theory to a situation that doesn’t warrant it. To expand slightly, there’s no point bluffing a bluffer in poker, if they’re a calling station they’ll call no matter what you represent.

Your team mates aren’t thinking win condition, if they were they’d have chosen a roam or been capable of carrying the game. They’re not applying solid logic to there draft choices, if they had been one of Vox or Koshka would have been banned.

This is the problem with tier 7/8 and why it can be a nightmare to escape as a soloq player. You’re in game mechanics are good, your understanding of the game, power spikes and drafting is solid but if your team mates auto lock Taka first choice in a 3 v 3 you’re in for a shitty game. 9/10 you’ll get a Baptiste petal combo which is going to own the jungle etc.

Just this weekend I met a duoq pair when I was tier 8 gold and on a nasty side of soloq variance (both hotness bronze - weird; ); I locked in Koshka (happy days) only to see the third guy refuse to roam and lock in Rona when they’re roam had already chosen Grace. I started the match and tried to carry but when your Rona goes on a 4 deaths inside 5 minutes bender and refuses to by a reflex block your wasting your time. Grace and Reim owned him and his friend and it became clear to me that trying to win was a waste of time.

When you get to draft you’ll understand; it can and is infuriating and rewarding in equal measure.

Ps - OP offers still there, if you want to duoq when I’m online look me up, your probably of an equivalent skill tier as me so it’ll be easier to rank together than face the in game gamble that is soloq.

@Xaldarian i haven’t read everything and i don’t know if you can here me from down hear but i used to be like you. but then magmaw told me to be a more selfish player and instalock which worked and got me into draft. it was then that being selfish in game stopped working. you need to pick someone you are good at and/or counters the enemy team. (hopefully someone who can secure last hits on jungle minions like alpha or krul) double jungle is fine. but in game while you are securing the last hits i find that sharing the minions early game helps them share th eminions with me late game. so try to only take half of the jungela and just help with the other half and make it obvious that you aren’t taking it on purpose. this helps hsare farm for me and hopefully you can carry back up again. (this is SEA but apparently they are more chill than the rest of the world so i don’t know if it will work but meh) (if youare sea play with me i need help)

also doing double cp and double wp is fine if you need to go lane play to your strengths go double cp.

i hope this helps but it probably won’t :’(

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I am doing this in 5v5 where I am very effective!

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I’m sorry to hear your loss of rank.
If you have multiple loses in a row, try taking a break to prevent tilt and leave the queue where bad players potentially may be.

Also, try to focus on your win conditions and mechanics to improve yourself. One tricking can help with both of these, but just improving yourself is also fine. Note that the highest impact in the game is from the laner, second from jungler and finally the roamer. If you believe you shouldn’t be in your current rank, play a strong laner like saw or vox or gwen.

Seriously? Lol

Are you just rinse repeating things you’ve heard during VG8 streams?

Don’t keep repeating win conditions, this relies on your teammates understanding what the win condition is and if they’re not considering this in draft then it’s irrelevant. When your team mates decide To ditch roaming and chose Rona into a grace or they insta lock Taka first pick you’re in terrible shape. This is a MOBA at tier 9 it’s hard to hard carry your team, so suggesting I lane is irrelevant, roaming becomes far more important at higher elo.

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Now is probably the worst time to rank the addition of 5v5 completely broke 3v3 whether its matchmaking or balancing it’s unplayable. Most people are playing 5v5 right so the chances of getting decent teammates are very slim, 3v3 ranked at this point is basically a lottery besides that hero balancing has been made around 5v5 so the 3v3 meta is completely broken. So i would recommend you playing 5v5 casuals right now, get familiar with the new map, wait fora ranked mode to drop for 5v5 and then start grinding again. I am gonna start to decay today and i am very close to vg silver but i am not gonna rank that’s how bad 3v3 is, i recommend you to do the same.

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