How to draft when there are too many broken heroes?

Agree, Kinetic is strong, but not OP at all. Unlike kensei when released and even still he is quite on the strong side.

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This is why she gets banned.

A good Kinetic can dodge any skillshot and stack BP like no other. Once she has the stacks she is opressive AF…

You can stack your ult by hitting minions with your Ult.

But still, she can be countered really easily by a number of heroes and she falls to offensive pressuref rom dive comps and synergies such as BF+Grace+Fortress

One example can’t be used for correct observation. If the player was smurf or just better than the others, or had a great day, or his lane enemy was weak, or enemy in team fights was after celeste for obvious reasons, or or or… too many variables. Only someone as niv can say the truth. I saw insane numbers with any hero. One game is nothing, even 1000 is nothing considering how many games there are.

I had a lot of games more dmg with captains without a single dmg item vs the whole server or my team, does that mean the captains are OP as a dmg or it means I was a lot better compared to the players in my team/on the server? You can imagine in those games if I player a carry or jungler what my numbers would had been. Played with/against and watched Kinetic - she is defo strong and all, but I would ban other heroes instead of her.