How to draft when there are too many broken heroes?

damn… that sucks…

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I am done for now. Just had another match botched by some noob who couldn’t play to save his life.

No defense BF Vs saw and skye with fortress.

Meanwhile I have 1v3 triple kills but he had fed the enemy team too much and me and the captain lost due to this troll who was either farming ignoring ganks or was 1v3 near enemy sentry.

Shit like this makes me want to deinstall. It isn’t about me improving anymore its about noobs who can’t play and can’t be taught because they refuse to communicate.

Saw was an objective pusher who pinned me down in lane or forced me to surrender a turret.

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don’t give up. keep playing. fine good team mates. party with them constantly…

That advise in ancient… It doesn’t work. There is just soloque…

it is aincient but you still can find the rare non toxic players…

Why the capacitor plate? The lifesteal it increases it’s not worth an item slot.

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The cooldown lifesteal armour hp and shield together make it worthwhile.

Also it stacks with slumbering husk both in defense and it improves your barrier.

What barrier?

The Slumbering husk FH barrier.

Why increase it? It’s already a 100% of your remaining health.

You can’t increase it. If all of your HP is fortified you can’t get more. It doesn’t give you additional protection only makes your life harder to damage.


Don’t ban priority picks so you can neutralize draft the only heroes that absolutely need to be banned are kensei and kenetic. For instance leave Lyra open and get adagio or Lorelai if they pick it, so they get a a priority pick and you answer with another one which just as a strong.

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Which would work is I had control of draft 100%

Has a idris ban last night lol, meanwhile they got kinetic and reza as a result…

banning idris? why?

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Because he didn’t like playing against him… this is tier 9 G/S, he was VG bronze last season.

Honestly don’t believe ppl get better at higher tiers, so many get carried.

Just ban Grace and you’ll be fine

I am mostly fine but my teammates certainly aren’t. I see snowball after snowball because of bad draft.

Most people in high tiers are boosted.

But why does Kinitec need to be banned though… She is easy to counter and not oppresive to play against.

I get that her damage in her WP build path is high but being good on paper doesn’t really mean good in practice. She rarely delivers and actually snowballs reallly well unlike the other Bot Laners such as WP Kestrel(OPPRESIVE), Vox(Breaking Point stacking Machine) and Kensei(No words)…

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