Fundamental Problems with Vainglory

Burst inconsistent damage is the very definition of an assassin though, which is what he is.

This, while there are stronger/weaker heroes every patch - there are no useless ones. All can be played for the win.

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i never said malene wasnt op, i never said there are no op heroes. the fact is, vg has more balanced times than other mobile MOBAs. that’s what were talking about here. the malene thread is that way. if you’re this closeminded, i just won’t try to tell you anything anymore. have fun trying to prove that aov and ml are more balanced than vg.


I agree. In fact if anyone call ML and AOV more balanced than VG, then they have NO idea what they are talking about. Some VERY few examples are Kagura(who has been OP for like half a year and yet still wrecking), Fanny(Who has been OP forever), Lancelot, etc. I don’t even need to explain anymore.

This thread is sort of strange with a title that is somewhat misleading and an overwatch conversation too (which is not perfect in its balance, look at mercys history, that’s horrid).

Vg does have issues that can hurt it, something like long matchmaking wait is frustrating, people play and they don’t want to have to wait 2+ mins for what would be a casual game. I wouldn’t really know of what it’s competitors are like in comparison but I’d imagine there are some things done better in them compared to vg which in that case does show vg has quite a bit of improving/fixing to do (which isn’t really news to anyone)

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Lol but her damage on her D(A) has low ratio
Her L (B) barrier is laughable. But her D (B) is alright. It her perk thats painful.

I agree with the several folks here who’ve remarked that the topic title is misleading. It’s very “clickbait-y,” in addition. Please edit it.


All heroes in vg are all well balanced while in ML there are some heroes that OP for eternity such as Kagura, Fanny and Lancelot.
I agree about the coming update for vg where the device will download the whole data again as first time downloading, it is wasting time.
The release of 5v5 somehow is a breakthrough for vg while on the other side, it kills vg and creates too much drama after 3.0 update.

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this caused problems for others too. i’ve seen people who’s vg app was taking up way more space than should be.

Assasins are consistent burst damage dealer not inconsistent.

Consistent burst isn’t burst… its sustained damage that happens to be a ton of damage…


What I mean here is that e.g Taka, whenever you pop your ult, you know that it gonna deals a lot of damage.

It really is when she can’t utilize them all at once you need to know when to transform and how to time them. Her big problem is slight adjustments in stats and time to learn to play against. Both will happen it is the process of new heros, they get a high stats upon release to bost sales than get an adjustment next patch. By that time people will understand her more meaning playing as, with, and against her will be easier as they have the knowledge to do so.

Yes and no if you burst him depending on the build you might need to time it to do the ideal balancing

Whenever you pop rezas stacks you know it’s going to do a lot of damage…

Tbh, sometimes I DID the combo and it BARELY DID any damage but sometimes I DIDN’T DO, it DID a serious dent in the enemy’s HP. I personally build AS SF DE BM.

So sometimes you had stacks and sometimes you didnt. DE is not a good item on a burst hero.


The SF does help with stacks but the CD is too long.

another thing, you should be getting either SG or CW over SF and DE

Absolutly agree!

I prefer CW over SG first, but usually build SG or BM after.

I play the competition, but not AoV or ML. A Chinese game. The wait time for ALL matches is less than 10 seconds. Occasionally, I get matched the moment I enter the queue. The wait time only gets longer (around 30 seconds) if I party with friends who are two tiers higher or lower than me. Still way shorter wait times than VG.